Sunday, January 17, 2021

Okay that was kind of a long time I slept
But I had all these really amazing dreams
That I've been laying here trying to kind of unpack
I'm sure I'm not going to get all of it
So I'm not going to go chronologically
I'm going to start with the most compelling parts so I get them down

Okay so there's this town
and I get the impression it's not a very big town
And everybody eats dinner every night together like the whole town there's this big area and the tables are all outside and there's like a signed seating or something so you're always sitting with the same group
And there's this well there's three characters that are in the main focus there are lots of other people but they're three characters that are in the main focus at this one table
There's a woman who is not real old I don't know maybe she's in her early thirties or maybe she's in her late twenties she seemed young to me but she's not like super young
And she's pretty
And people like her
And there's the sky and he is attractive and slightly alternative
He's not like punk or hippy or anything like full on where you looking at but identify him as a particular type but his hair is a little bit long and it's curly and I don't know he's interesting
And so since they're the attractive couple sitting at the table or rather they're not a couple but they look like an obvious couple they're about the same age they're about the same degree of attractiveness You know if you looked at the table you would go those people probably are going to hook up
So you know he does kind of tried to get to know her but she does not like his alternatives she is what it comes right down to it pretty stuffy although she doesn't really know that she's stuffy
And so she kind of tells him she's not interested

And then there's this other girl at the table who was kind of shy and nobody really noticed her and the pretty girl noticed her but she just kind of dismissed her out of hand as being not really worth paying any attention to
And so she didn't pay any attention to her
Although this girl did make some attempt to be friendly and talk to her the one girl had kind of you know determined that she had " standards "
And so she had kind of ruled both of them out she didn't have any interest in talking to them because she only talked to people that she had interest in

But then they started talking to each other
And as the guy started talking to this shy girl she started sort of blossoming
and it was like everyday she just became a little bit more beautiful and a little bit more interesting and I don't know it's hard to explain but in the dream the process of her going from being this like bud to blossoming out into this beautiful flower it was the the main function of the dream even though it's very difficult to describe

And so then at some point
You know they all had dinner together every night it was like you know mandatory or something so this woman she couldn't get away from them she had kind of dismissed them out of hand initially and so they kind of were like well whatever and ignored her but she hadn't really understood the importance I guess of the fact that she was going to be having dinner with these people every night for like ever
So she didn't really have anybody to talk to
And she had to cut off watch this blossoming
And it made her really sad for herself
And then at some point they started after dinner leaving the table
and the girl who wasn't involved in this relationship hadn't really realized that they were developing a relationship because they hadn't been talking in the formula that she was used to people talking in if they were dating or whatever they were just talking to each other and so even though she had been witnessing all of this blossoming and whatever they had just been talking like regular people would talk to each other and she couldn't imagine that these two people would ever actually get together because they weren't of the same type
So when they got up from the table together for the first time
And it was dark but you know with those lights that they string out in the courtyards in Europe that light up the tables in a kind of a romantic way so it was dark but there was plenty of light and she stood up and you could see her and suddenly her hair was kind of wavy and the moonlight or whatever ambient night time romantic light was on her face and she look like she was glowing from within and there was this moment
And it wasn't really that momentous of a moment for the girl and the guy who were in the relationship it was just kind of like
Casually leaving the situation that wasn't really all that comfortable for them to go off to some place that was more comfortable for them to talk
It wasn't like this was the big climax of their story
I mean it was in a way because they were leaving the uncomfortable situation and they were going off together to have adventures
So I guess it that way it was you know a movement from one phase to another face but
For the girl who had basically rejected both of them it was a big climax in her story because she realized that both of these people were in fact not only totally acceptable to her but were attractive and desirable and she would want to be friends with both of them and she wanted the guy now because somebody else had him
and so it's like when she saw the woman's face in the moonlight and it was beautiful she saw in that moment it was a lot more beautiful than her and so she had lost in her mind she had lost
Whatever exactly that meant to her
It was a lot more clear in the dream

And so this couple they went off and they were not tons and tons of places to go in this town
So where they ended up going was to the gay bar
And the gay bar did all kind of like programmed entertainment but not like oh we're having entertainment for the guests of our establishment

More like we are community of people and we are going to have all these things to do together that are going to keep us entertained and draw us close together as a community
So they would do you know tell the competitions and elaborate games and you know stuff like that
And at first
Would they walk to the door
The people who are in that gay bar community weren't real sure why these people were there because they were you know like a dating couple and they were a male and a female so they didn't seem like the most obvious choice for a gay bar community

And the girl she was a little bit surprised too
Not because she was unhappy about being in a gay bar but because it just took her by surprise
Like why is the sky bringing me to a gay baris he tryin to tell me something

I got to go to the bathroom to be continued