Sunday, January 3, 2021

So I have this sort of image in my head
But sort of the origin of life once planet
And I don't scientifically think that this is supported by the fossil record or anything
I'm not saying this is what happened
But have a very clear image of it it's like a poetic thing
A woman falls from the sky
And she lands on the Earth
She is an alien
And the Earth is primordial
There is water and there is Earth
and it varies whether there's any plant life but usually there isn't
And the impact kills her right
So she's dead
And her body is you know somewhat broken
And her components start to break down
and they catalyze with the environment and it creates life of all different sorts

Now the problem is that since then that's been an image that I've had in my head for I don't know a very long time but the problem is is that since then I have this whole mycelium thing
So I don't know what kind of creature she is but she was either made out of mushroom or she had mushrooms with her

Seeding the Earth