Thursday, June 11, 2020

morning chat: 6:11

i forgot
i can't believe i forgot this

two things really

first thing
my mom
she used to go to these real estate seminars
and one time she couldn't go
i can't remember why
she made me go instead
i was like twelve or maybe as old as
i don't think i was fourteen
i wasn't older than twelve

i went
and i wasn't very impressed
i listened to the guy
come up with some ideas
that i think maybe worked sometimes
trade a house you have
for another house you want
things like that

i listened
and when my mother asked me
so how do i make a million in real estate
i answered her
you teach seminars on how to make a million in real estate

i in no way believed
that this guy
made a million in real estate
i didn't believe his stories

she subscribed to a self-help
and motivational tape club
with all these
big containers
like books
full of tapes

i listened to them all the time
i liked them a lot

second thing

i listened to self hypnosis tapes
all the time
for all kinds of things
like that same age range
twelve to fourteen or fifteen
maybe not fifteen
come to think of it
by fifteen
i don't think i was doing it anymore