Thursday, June 18, 2020

coffee + sandwiches: 6:18

good morning
i hope you're doing well
i'm thinking about funky little roadhouses
and coffee

but i'm drinkin coffee
so i don't have to imagine that

i'm also imagining a porch
with a rocking chair
maybe someplace with a nice breeze
iced tea

maybe an early morning walk along the beach

it's all locations in my head today

i hope you've got beautiful weather where you are
on my old windows phone
i always had programmed the location where you were
so i could always check
what your weather was like
i don't have that now
i always just ask the google assistant
she's not much use to me generally
she's great for weather
so i never thought about looking for an app

i just asked her
i figured it was perfect

enjoy some weather

i love you very very much indeed