Thursday, February 11, 2021

So I watched the hearings today or the the trial the senate thing I guess Travis the correct word but didn't seem much like a trial exactly
I thought the case was pretty strong The only place where you could even vaguely argue is sometimes they would say basically let's hear from his followers and they would just give quotes from like a couple there were more I know they're more I've heard more but I suppose you could argue with that if you wanted to

Also there was one point where they said you know and this is what he was watching on TV and I think that might not have been 100% accurate because I think actually that the footage that was available for him to watch on TV at the time that it was going on didn't include some of the things that were shown because they didn't come out until later but again that's just real nitpicky because I mean he saw enough to know what was going on he saw some percentage of that

And there was one more thing I can't remember what it was but it was also a little nitpicky thing otherwise I mean it was super solid

And all that stuff where they showed the where the insurgents were and they showed where theit was just like a map where you could see where things were happening in relation to each other that was really helpful in visualizing and I mean I know that the Republicans are probably not going to vote to give Trump a lifelong ban from office and maybe they're right that they shouldn't because then they won't have any voters

But you know I'm not so sure that those people have those voters you know so I'm not sure they should be so quick to just say oh you know we don't need to have any moral compass we don't need to do what's right let's just set a precedent that it's fine to try to overthrow the government you know I mean it's pretty shameful but I'm also just not sure that the Republicans are really factoring you know

I mean I know they think they need Trump's followers to get elected because it's a big enough percentage of the Republican voters that they can't get elected without them but I don't know there are enough people who

I just think they may not be right about that so they're selling out their country for absolutely nothing and while on the one hand it doesn't surprise me on the other hand it kind of still surprises me a little bit

And I'm not even sure how coherent any of that was anyway so I watched that all day and then I talked to my mom on the phone and she hadn't watched any of it so in fact she hasn't seen any of the coverage of any of it she's read some stuff about it but she hasn't watched any of it I mean any of it

So I was trying to give her kind of a rundown of everything that happened

And that was weird honestly

And then she started talking about what the weather was supposed to do and she told me it's going to snow and sleet on Monday and I checked and that is actually the weather forecast
But then she also said that it was supposed to be two degrees and she wasn't sure which day it was supposed to be two degrees
And I'm like that cannot possibly be right it has never been 2° here I mean it might have gotten as low as in the teens for a short period over night a few times but it's never been 2°. She's like well that's what it says
and I don't know for some reason that was just like the end and I couldn't talk to her on the phone anymore and so I looked up the weather and it doesn't say anything about being 2 degrees I think it's supposed to get to freezing maybe
but then I got to thinking about it and I remembered that her phone was telling her the temperature in Celsius instead of Fahrenheit and so I'm like you know hey Google what is

Yeah it did it came up
Anyway I ask it you know what is 2°, Celsius in Fahrenheit and it was like 35 points up so that's what it is it's not going to be 2°. I'm like I don't even know what to do if it's 2°. I mean I can leave my heater on and I can leave the water drip but that's about you know the extent of what I can do for the frozen pipes if it's 2°, that's I don't even know what I would begin to do because you know that wouldn't be enough probably but I live in an apartment
But if the pipes burst I mean you know Jesus I can't deal with that
Anyway I couldn't figure out how to get her phone switched back she's got an iPhone and they work differently and I just couldn't find it I mean I'm sure if I screwed around with it for long enough I probably could find it but I couldn't find it in the time I was looking so I told her just when she asks it and it gives her the temperature in Celsius for her to just ask what that is in Fahrenheit but she's clearly forgotten that and it's going to be 2°

But snow and sleet is bad enough although realistically it's not going to be real snow it's going to be like a fine powdering of snow that when the sun comes out it will melt in all likelihood
Although who could say I suppose it's possible it's just highly highly improbable

When I looked at my breast this morning it looked a lot better The skin is you know thinking about healing over it's healing over a little it's it's doing something it's not like grown over yet but it's it's doing something and it's a lot less red than it was and it doesn't hurt I was going to sit around with my bra off and not have it covered up with bandages cuz I think it will heal up or scab over or whatever faster if it gets air to it but by the time I got out of the shower it was kind of irritated and I decided not to so I'm still in the bra