Monday, February 8, 2021

Do you know for hours I've been trying to figure out kind of low-key in the back of my mind what movie that could possibly be

I even went to Wikipedia to check and see if there was one that I had missed and I don't believe there is

I can only think of one movie that it could be from but I didn't entertain that
And then I went to Google and I typed in the quote to see if it brought up anything other than that and it did not
So now I'm not sure if I'm stupid
Or if I'm a sucker

My revised assessment is that I probably will either not get a scar or it will not be a permanent scar sometimes I get scars and they you know last for a little while but then they go away

I have a bunch of scars on my arm from where my cat cut me but that is because those times that he cut me I was accidentally taking more nattokinase than I thought I was I was taking high doses of nattokinase and high doses of what I thought was Serapeptase but it turned out that it was a blend of Serapeptason nattokinase and so I guess I just didn't have enough of whatever you need to knit skin back together and so I have a bunch of scars from him but mostly I don't have a lot of scarsand I guess these are only a couple of years old they may go away but I don't think they will
Well I guess it depends on what you mean by scars I mean you could still see all my stretch marks
On my breasts and my hips and my stomach too got a lot of stretch marks You could still see him but they're all just kind of a shimmery slightly lighter than my regular skin color not like red or whatever but I guess those are scars so maybe I do scar
but whatever what I mean is I'm not going to have like a giant dent in the side of my breast
It's healing up what I would call pretty well I don't feel any residual lumps or swelling or anything I don't feel any I mean the wound itself is still sore if I press on it but there's no place else that's like oh that feels wrong I seem to have a pretty full range of motion
They're still a little bit of pus-y stuff on the top
But for the most part it looks pretty good and it seemed to be less deep this morning maybe it wasn't maybe it's just that it was a dark pink instead of red and so it seemed less deep I don't know

Mole nachos are not bad
They're not quite as good as I thought I think they need maybe some kind of green sauce hot like hot green sauce but you'd have to be careful with that or it would overpower the taste of the mole
I don't know I just was feeling like there was something else they needed that would have made them better so they were okay they weren't amazing of course it was just bottled mole sauce cuz I don't know how to make mole and if I was going to make mole I mean I don't have one of those big not sure what kind of I think they're made out of lava rock those big Mexican mortar and pestle things I've always kind of wanted one but you know I don't really have any use for it they take up a lot of space so when I worked at that place they carried them and periodically they would have them on sale and every time I would be like oh and then I would go what are you going to do with that
And they're heavy as f*** and they kind of scrape up your hands so really they're more like designed to have you know in your kitchen in a place where you're not moving it around a lot You've got it like on the workspace but if you don't use it then there's no reason to do that and I'm kind of out of cabinet space for random things
I mean I did buy the big big black clay I don't know what you call it it's like a hot pot it's like it to Gene it's like a casualty pot it's a big clay cook pot but it's that Mexican black clay and I was like oh I've got to have that and that was a silly purchase but not as heavy but it does take up a lot of space in my cabinet

Ooh but I don't know if I've ever mentioned this I love that oaxacan black clay pottery I love it
I have like a whole list of these things that you know like the African masks and sculptures
And those I think they're from Oaxaca too The fantasy animals and the Oahu and black clayI feel like there's a third thing from Oaxaca that I love too but I can't remember right at this particular moment what it is are the huichiol from Oaxaca?

No I sort of didn't think so

Oh well it'll come to me
What are you doing tonight