Friday, February 12, 2021

Haha I'm faking you out I'm going to bed early
Well it's not really early
But early for me
The last couple of days I have not gotten any sleep or I got some but not very much because I got up to watch the hearings trial thingy
Tomorrow I have to get up and I might have to go to the studio it just depends on what the weather is like
I like the studio
But I don't want to go to the studio tomorrow
I want to watch the thingy although I'm not sure I want to watch the thingy cuz it might just make me mad

And Monday they're supposed to be snow and sleet and stuff so I think probably Monday isn't happening
So I don't know it rained all day today
They don't seem to be sure whether it's going to rain all day tomorrow or not not that rain would necessarily preclude going to the studio but since if it rains for an extended period of time here the chances of it flooding are pretty good one tends to not want to go out if it's raining in less it's critical

I love you very much
I hope you get some good sleep
And I'll talk to you tomorrow
Good night sweetheart πŸ’‹