Thursday, February 4, 2021

Well my breast is making another pass at the cyst
Or boil or whatever
I thought I got it all out but I knew there was a possibility that I didn't
So it kind of hurts
Not all the time just if I touch it or move in particular ways
But I can see where it's forming so
Maybe tomorrow it will go ahead and come to a head 
In the meantime I did eat today I've been barely eating for several days because I just felt kind of sick and the idea of food was gross I did eat today
I didn't drink coffee though and right now I'm drinking water with lemon juice in it
I probably would have gone to bed earlier but I fell asleep in the chair
So whatever it's not a big deal it gives me an opportunity to take more doses of medicine
Blah blah blah not interesting

I'm probably going to sleep in tomorrow

So I got a couple of new brushes
I've been planning to get a 1-in square brush for a while but I just haven't seen the right one and it's not like I needed it for a specific thing I just thought if I had a square brush I'd be able to do some cool stuff
But historically I'm kind of around brush painter
I did not use a square brush very much when I painted with oils or acrylics although I did use it some I think I mostly am around brush painter
but they were having a sale 50% off on brushes
And I was looking at these Robert Simmons sable and synthetic mix I think and they look pretty good
I don't have any sable brushes all the brushes I have are synthetic and I'm quite pleased with the ones that I have
And I think when I was painting with acrylic paint I had like an old Windsor and Newton one inch tacklon brush
Attack on one of the earliest good quality synthetics and this was a pretty old brush that I got from my mom maybe or maybe I had it from when I painted I don't know where I got it to be honest with you but I sort of think I got it from my mom as something she wasn't using anymore and they still make it so I thought about getting one of those but it's like super extra springy because it's essentially nylon you know so when you paint with it you get this extra springy action that's sometimes good and sometimes bad
So I was thinking about it I just was not sure that's what I wanted
and you know sable brushes are supposed to be like the best brushes but I really wasn't wanting to get any natural hair brushes to paint but I was wanting to have all synthetics because you know they last well it's not so much that they last longer but they don't require as much care You know if you've got a nice sable brush you need to be careful with it and I just wanted one to buy an expensive brush I was going to have to be careful with and then I saw this one in square brush that's part sable and part synthetic and it just looked and felt right you know it also it's this beautiful blue color handle and Lucy the woman who works there she's like oh those are really good brushes and they're being discontinued now I don't know that they're discontinuing making them maybe they're going to discontinue selling them I don't know but at any rate they had one left of the one inch one and I was like okay well you know at 50% off
They're a small art store and their prices are not competitive with you know stuff you can get online but you know
I'd like to support local businesses as opposed to just buying everything online and so far as I can and actually at 50% off there about the same maybe a couple of dollars cheaper so that all dovetailed nicely
I was down looking for a particular kind of paper that I wanted to get more of that you know they don't have and I don't even know whether it's available anymore surely it is somewhere but then Lucy told me that the brushes were on sale and I was like oh so I got that one and then I got this other one that's just straight up synthetic that's a Princeton series brush and Princeton brushes are supposed to be pretty good generally
This kind is really nice to paint with because it has this kind of slightly rubberized finish so the the brush doesn't slip around in your hand and whatever I mean it's not necessary but it's certainly nice and it's what's called a long round which is kind of like a cross between around and not quite a rigger
A rigger is one of those brushes that's thin and really long so you can get you can paint along continuous line very easily I didn't know what they were called but I was familiar with them from my father's sign painting that can't recall ever being introduced to the concept in any of my painting classes but the long round still has a wider belly like a regular round brush so it holds lots of water or paint or whatever but rather than tapering to a point while the tapers to a point but it's a much longer point so you're able to get even though it's like a 12 brush you can make really small lines with it
now one of the brushes that I have that's a synthetic I can't remember the name of the synthetic fiber anyway it's a synthetic very springy very springy fiber and you can make pretty thin lines with that I've made thin lines with it in my paintings but it's hard to do a thin long line you know because the you're essentially drawing like with a pencil you've got a little bitty tip of the brush and you're drawing with the tip of the brush whereas with this one you're not just drawing with the tip of the brush you can kind of drag it along and use it like a rigor so I was able to make a lot of very tiny lines but then also with the square brush I could make really tiny lines too if I adjusted how the paint was in the brush so I really enjoyed that painting today because I could do you know stuff that I couldn't do before get nice smooth blocks you know whereas with a round brush I mean you can paint square shapes but they don't come out as like a smooth block of color which you know often isn't what I'm looking for but I just really liked it and it's a slightly different and limited palette because I don't have my regular palette at the studio so I was just painting with some paints that I went through and pulled out of my mom's watercolor box she hasn't been painting with watercolors but she has watercolors that are you know super old and some of them kind of separate but you know but these whole bun and sunilia colors they're pretty solid One of the colors that I like a lot is actually discontinued in sunilia's line currently I have a color it's very very similar though so it's not like the end of the world but the sunili has a nice like luminous quality to it it's fun to paint with and the red is French of vermilion which is very close to the sunilia red that I have and I was kind of trying to decide if there's any point in painting with both of them since they're so similar but I think there's a slightly different quality to it so I don't know I would probably have to paint with them side by side to decide I'm not sure if they're interchangeable

So that's what I'm doing

I love you very much sweetheart
Goodnight πŸ’‹