Friday, February 5, 2021

So I don't know if you remember not really any reason that you should remember but like about a year ago now I bought some freaky health food stuff that I was going to eat in my weight loss adventure
and I know that I've mentioned enough the freaky kind of foods I like to eat that you know I like to eat freaky health food kind of foods
But one of the things I got was this thing called seaclear
And it's basically chlorella and miso and it's all fermented and blah blah it's supposed to chelate metals pressing since sliced bread right
Well you know even though I like kelp oh it's kelp and chlorella and meso and apple cider vinegar

Oh I didn't really like it so you know and almost immediately afterwards there was the whole pandemic thing and I just kind of forgot about it
I mean it's been in the refrigerator but I have not been eating it
And I had an omelet with some goat cheese and mushrooms and pico de gallo when I got up but I was you know hungry again cuz it was like two thirty or something so I was like well you know you could not eat and then you would be intermittent fasting
And I didn't really want anything but then I thought about that see clear and I'm like let me give that another try cuz I really kind of want something like that
And you just mix it in with boiling water so it's super fast and easy so I made some up and I'm like yeah it still is kind of apple cider vinegar and yucky
But then I remembered that I had some Sheila sheet. HaHa shilajit
And when I mixed this is a pretty big mug I'd say it's about 16 oz maybe it's 18 oz I don't think it's as much as 24 cuz it's smaller it's my hot tea mug anyway I put a tablespoon of the sea clear and about I don't know maybe a half a teaspoon maybe 3/4 of a teaspoon I don't have a measuring thing well I do but I don't use them anyway and I mixed it in and it was like perfect and I sat here and drank it and it's one of the first things in a long time that I have consumed that I've said that really feels like it's energetically helpful
And in fact I liked it so much I'm having another one
My melatonin came so I can take that before I go to bed
And I'm going to have to take another shower before I go to bed
You're supposed to use warm compresses but I mean nobody's got time for that a cloth does not stay hot so basically I'm standing by the sink I'm putting hot water on the cloth I'm slapping it on my breast I'm walking around naked and then I walk around and then have to go back in and heat up the cloth again I mean it's just exhausting I guess I don't have to walk around I could just stand by the sink but that's I don't know no fun nobody got time for that so what I've been doing is taking these long hot showers where I'm basically running the water on it and then I kind of lather it up with the pine tar soap and let it sit like that for a few minutes and then I kind of run the water on it again and periodically I'll you know kind of press and see if anything is looking like it wants to come out
I know this is gross I'm sorry
So when I got up and I did that earlier it did not seem like anything was going to come out and then I'm like well I'm not going to f*** with it cuz I don't want to make it worse so I have my breast and the stream of water and then I kind of turn away and then it looks like it's kind of doing something so I go back to the water but you know there's a limit to how long you can stand in the shower before it just gets to be a bit much so after a while I got out and I was like okay well I'm done for now and
I didn't immediately I don't know what I did I went to get my shirt maybe or something and when I came back I must have moved my arm in some way that compressed my breast I don't know I don't know what I did but it had basically spurted all this bloody fluid stuff down the front of me so I'm like well okay
So I didn't want to put triple antibiotic or anything occlusive on it because you know it's draining That's what I wanted to do so I just put my bra back on and put some gauze in there
And it's I mean it's been hours it's been I don't know at least 10 hours
During which I've been taking all the things well not all the things I haven't taken poke route because I don't feel safe taking that more than once a day
But whatever
Lots of things
So I got up and looked in the mirror and it has drained enough that it has gone through the gauze and through the side of my bra so while I was tempted to not do the long shower before I went to bed because I'm tired and I don't want to do it but I have to do it because I have to get this out
But I feel somewhat less toxic than I did which maybe because a lot of it has drained out or maybe because of the sea clear
I also had this I guess you would call it tea it's powdered herbs and you mix it in hot water so it's not exactly like what I think of as tea but I think technically that's how you describe it or maybe it would be a tissane since it doesn't have any tea in it
But it's something else I got at the same time and it's designed to kind of balance female metabolism and whatnot it's supposed to cut down on damp chi damp stomach chi
and I think I must have not mixed enough of that in before when I tried it cuz I didn't like it either when I got it but today I had it and I had it before the sea clear I'm like oh wow cuz I had had a giant glass of water with a lot of lemon in it
Cuz I was like well I want coffee and I want iced tea and I don't think either of those things are going to have any nutritive benefit to me but lemon water should help so I drank an enormous glass of lemon water with a lot of lemon like danger to my teeth quantities of lemon
and I finished that and I was like I really want coffee with soy in it and I'm like well if this is just caused by excess estrogen and I don't think introducing an estrogenic factor into your body is going to be terribly beneficial right now
And then I'm like well I want iced tea and I'm like well do you really because sometimes if I'm not feeling so great iced tea isn't the best when I was a kid iced tea if I drink it you know on an empty stomach or in the morning or anything like that it would make me kind of nauseated cuz I think because the tannins and it's been a long time since I've really had that problem but I was having it the other morning when I was drinking iced tea in the morning and so it's like a maybe I don't really want that and I went to the cabinet and I saw the it's called shape shifter it's made by the same guy that makes the sea clear
And it says use a half a teaspoon in a cup of hot water but I'm like yeah that's not enough That's not going to have any flavor so I mixed about a half a tablespoon in and it was delicious it was absolutely delicious

My cat has just thrown up his hands and despair of me I'm not awake when I'm supposed to be awake I'm not asleep when I'm supposed to be asleep I'm taking multiple showers a day and he thinks showers are revolting just the idea that you would stand in a thing with water pouring over your head is just like he's fascinated by it but disgusted by it at the same time
So now I'm taking multiple showers a day at not really the right times of day He's going to freak the f*** out when I go take a shower now He's going to be like this is not this is not right and it upsets him

I was going to have bison for my meats this week on my meat days or low-carb days whatever meat days and the imperfect produce they didn't send my bison they confirmed it on my order but they sent me boneless skinless chicken thighs now I don't have anything against boneless skinless chicken thighs but I didn't plan meals around boneless skinless chicken thighs and I didn't want boneless skinless chicken thighs and I sort of think that boneless skinless chicken thighs are less expensive than bison although I mean maybe not I don't know but I emailed them and haven't gotten a response back yet so I don't really know if I'm clear to eat them I mean surely they're not going to come pick them back up and take them away and deliver me some bison I surely what they will do is either refund the difference between what I wanted and what they gave me or just refund the cost of the thing I wanted that they didn't give me and give me the chicken for free My suspicion would be the first one
but the only thing I can immediately think of that I would enjoy made with chicken is chicken soup and these don't have breasts to make bone broth so I'm uncertain
I mean I guess I could just you know bake them or roast themI don't think I have any dried rosemary I have herbs de provance
I mean I'm kind of bummed about it and chicken thighs are hiring fat and maybe calories too I'm not sure than bison
But all I can think is that chicken rice casserole you know with the Campbell's cream of chicken soup
Or maybe chicken cacciatore
Or maybe you know something with rice or potatoes or some other kind of starch you know chicken salad sandwich
But it probably happened for some reason so maybe I will think of something brilliant
And I'm not sure whether I'm doing that formula now anyway because today was supposed to be the day I ate fish and then I had the omelet
I'm just basically kind of going by what I feel okay to eat right now
Chicken mole I would like chicken mole
Chicken mole nachos
Refried black beans chunks of chicken mole that white Mexican cheese that sounds pretty tasty but it does not sound low carb or healthy f***

I hope you're doing okay
I love you very much sweetheart πŸ’‹