Sunday, February 21, 2021

So today was kind of eventful
It was the show in the afternoon and I pretty much slept until that
And the boil band was lifted
So being able to use water straight out of the tap is amazing
I love running water
And you know
For cleaning things up you know you had to boil the water but then that's just a pain trying to wash dishes with hot water that you just boiled and blah blah anyway
So things could be cleaned up and that was great I mean you know they've been cleaned up a little bit but not not great
and I found out that a couple of people that I have identified with for a long time are the same personality type as me that was exciting

And I watch some more paint videos
Cuz watching paint is apparently like really exciting for me
and I talked to my mom that was not all that exciting but you know was kind of necessary
I ordered a new ink I got that in the mail so I got to play with my new ink it's a kind of a blue green kind of a teal color it's pretty I like it

The difference between how the dogs are using language skills versus how cats are using language skills is immensely humorous to me
and I shouldn't really say that as a generalization because most of the animals that I have watched that are trying to talk with the buttons have not been all that exciting or engaging for me
It's really Billi and Bunny

Bunny is trying to ask existential questions
Bunny is trying to understand categories of things
Bunny is trying to interact with her world with language
Billy is trying to use it as a more efficient tool for communicating with her human servant
And the idea that Billi would be telling her mom that her music is not really acceptable
Is so amazingly funny to me
I mean I really don't think that most of the things that Billi communicates to her mom really require buttons
I feel like Billi is humoring her mom
I mean she will use it to try to communicate but mostly I think she's just humoring her mom
But she does use the opportunity
And I just thought that was super duper funny
So I'm sorry if the video has like a bad title or something I really was hoping that I was clear in my amusement

I'm going to the studio tomorrow

I thought my mother had told me she had burst pipes but she didn't so that was awesome
She had frozen pipes which I took to mean the pipe had frozen in it burst but apparently there's an alternate meaning of frozen where it just means that the water wouldn't come out because it was frozen
And I'm not sure if the water really wouldn't come out because it was frozen or if it was because the water pressure was lower or what exactly actually happened
She had the man next door turn her water off for her and then he turned it back on I guess he turned it back on today which makes sense cuz today was the day they said it was safe for us to use it again but she said she'd been using the water all day and that there had been no indication of any you know water coming through the ceiling anywhere or anything like that so that's great it looks like she is unscathed

I don't really like the look of the puckering of my skin on that wound that's healed up but maybe it will improve I'll use some exfoliant on it gentle exfoliant see if I can get it to flatten down some
I'm really not so worried from an aesthetic point of view it's really I don't want to end up with you know little pockets that things can get into and you know what not I mean I guess I can always clean it out but just anytime you've got a little pockets then you're just begging to have something get into them and get infected and cause trouble

I've been off all the tinctures and stuff for a couple of days
Or maybe only one and a half days I'm uncertain
But I feel like I've got some swelling under my armpit on the other arm and it's probably all my imagination it's probably psychosomatic but I want to go ahead and take some lymph clearing stuff because that's one of the things that I haven't been taking for ever long I haven't been taking it

so I mean lots of excitement but not very exciting excitement I mean from an external point of view from my internal point of view it was all very exciting
and I think I'm going to have to figure out a way to go to the art museum
When they built a whole new wing and I haven't been to see it
But now they've got a show I really want to see that just opened and I think I'm just going to have to figure out how to do it