Tuesday, February 2, 2021

I just had the most amazing dream 
I'm not sure what year it was supposed to be set in or if it was specifically in America
It was a kind of about these two
I started to call them kids but I'm not certain that they were underage they were just very very young
And they might have been in the military base
I'm just not 100% certain
I know towards the beginning they were going to eat and they were shooting and he helped her get there safely and that kind of cemented her good feeling towards him
He had kind of remade himself from kind of a quiet shine nerdy guy into kind of a badass
By just working out a little and changing the way he dressed
But then the story was going through
And they're kept paying all these kind of amazing parts where they would show
Like historical footage of things like the movie they were in and it seems clear why they were in a movie based on something that doesn't make any sense or I can't remember now
But it would contain this amazing scene
And they were several of them but I could only just remember this one where it had a whole bunch of people and they were like singing it was like a musical number but it was about
I'm not sure now what it was about
I think it might have been about drugs it was very surreal it was like a whole line of people
And they were kind of sitting up and then they kind of laid down and rolled towards the camera and they were shrouded in black and I don't know I wish I could remember it a little clearer it was very very dramatic

There was somebody who was very very famous
Kind of a well not really like anybody else
But she kind of reminded me of Queen latifah
I know Queen latifah started out as a rapper and then was an actress and then was more of a respected personality but that isn't I don't think the transition that this person's character went through
But I mean I think the point was that she was like a household name she was very very famous and everybody loved her
And then for some reason we were getting our story and she started off as kind of this poor down and out kind of pudgy fat black Asian street kid
And I think she was a boy
And somehow the only thing that made her feel good was to put on gold and become this fancy person and so over the years she just acquired more gold she would buy it you know used in pawn shops whatever but just things that went together so she had this eye I guess and so over the years she became just completely drenched in gold chains and whatever and she had become this personality who would post things
I have a commentary interactive commentary and was one of the countries more famous people
And then for some reason
Explained that she started off as as a boy
And had to build herself up
From scratch
And it started this whole
Gender movement
It was different