Sunday, February 14, 2021

proof of life

So this is how it looked earlier
I'm less pleased with the healing
see those two divots
not the best configuration
but today it's not red at all
edges seem unproblematic
it's between the size of a quarter and a half dollar
I'm not worried about the far right divot
the more inner one needs to fill in or it will cause trouble
the skin is kinda tight and texture-y
but I think there's some bandage texture impression too
beautiful, huh
it didn't want bandage today
it wanted air
I think I might bandage it for bed

probably I should not send you this picture
I feel like
I want you to see that it's healing
I guess I'm less worried that my breast looks kinda deflated
the not wearing a bra for almost a year did not improve my already not perky breasts