Sunday, February 14, 2021

I dreamed several things that I can't remember and I'm going to try to get them down
The last thing I dreamed was just kind of funny
I was at some kind of a concert or festival or something I guess and I had like this whole kit
I guess I was kind of hosting a watching party or something I'm not 100% sure about that
Maybe it wasn't as official as that maybe it was just people over watching
But anyway not a lot of people
It was you
And don't work talking and joking around
And I was running around doing stuff
But I'm not 100% sure what I was doing
But I must have been making something because I ran in and I needed another pump like kind of like what we used to use at Starbucks for mocha pumps you know you push the button down and stuff comes out but you use it in a big thing so I mean it could have been snow cones or I don't know I don't know what
And you were like oh no what are you going to do
And I was like well I'm going to get the backup pump
I don't bring three of everything for nothing
Then I looked in the supplies and at first I couldn't find one
Then I looked around and I did find it and I ran back
And you seemed very amused
And I wonder ed if maybe you had sabotage the first pump
Or hidden one of the backup pumps
Because it very much had this vibe of
You're trying to mess with me
And it was kind of fun
Although I don't generally enjoy people trying to mess with me

Okay and the other one
My mother and I were
Visiting Shirley in the hospital
In the hospital was very different
And there are all these rules about how that you are supposed to do things
She kept telling the wrong person something not in the specific protocol it was supposed to be done
And that sounds kind of boring but it was
Really very action-packed because she was bouncing around off everybody
I was basically feeling like I was trying to keep a giant blanket wrapped around or so that she couldn't move
But that was just a metaphor I didn't have a blanket
And then I was trying to drive back out on the streets and she wasn't with me so I'm not sure exactly what was going on
And I'm like on Westheimer close to dunlavy I think
Right by the old Weingartens
And I'm almost driven off the road
By these two old apartment buildings really small apartment buildings that are being moved on those wide load kind of trucks
And I saw something
I think it was a billboard
I don't remember what was on it
But in dreams billboards are like metaphors for seeing a sign so that might not actually have been what I saw I don't know
But I knew something was up
And I went back into the hospital and surely was gone
And it was like an alternate version of her history snatched her out of this timeline or something
But my mother was still there and she was confused and she was trying to run and talk to the doctor
But there was some kind of quarantine thing and you weren't supposed to just run up to people and ask them stuff you had to go through some kind of protocol
and sorry it wasn't called quarantine because it wasn't something that was thought of as temporary it was just ongoing because of the health issues that were ongoing
And I guess she was
Like auto restraint or something
I don't know whether that means she was tased or injected with something
Or had some kind of bindings put on her
I don't know it's all really foggy now
But I was like okay well you know I'll talk to her while she's in the state and see if I can get her to understand kind of what's expected of her
Because it's not like she hadn't had it explained before
But she didn't necessarily listen fully
Because maybe she didn't really believe restrictions applied to her
But there was something very interesting in the whole Shirley and apartment building thing and it's sort of lost on me now exactly what was the salient thing but it was at least partially the idea that you could be in an alternate timeline
Of yourself
And see you were doing badly
In another timeline
And do something to actually help yourself in that alternate timeline
But I'm not entirely sure

That running me off the road wasn't part of that plan

I love you