Saturday, February 20, 2021

So I don't know today was a better day
I took a shower even though I was a little bit afraid of bacteria in the water
And I tell you what hot water
Is amazing
I could really have stayed in there all day
But I tried to be conservative
I mean I probably still stayed in there longer than I should have if I was absolutely trying to be conservative but
I did my best
and then I just put some hydrogen peroxide on it which hopefully killed any germs that might have gotten into it
I didn't get up early though I woke up at I don't know 12:30 or something but then I just went back to sleep or maybe I didn't go back to sleep but I just laid in bed The cat was packed up tight against me
And I just couldn't get out of the bed
Looks to me like it's healing up pretty well I can't really tell if it's going to scar or not probably a little bit
I checked the reliant website again
And again it doesn't seem as though there's anything scary or wrong with my bill
it's going to be a little higher than it normally would but that's because it's been super cold and there's been heavier usage not because they've added anything on unless they have an added it yet
Add chicken pot pie for dinner
Well breakfast lunch and dinner

And I'm watching a masterpiece theater thing called called poldark
Which I'm quite enjoying
The main character poldark first name is Ross
he looks like a manga He's got this crazy hair and he's got angular features like they usually draw on the mangas and he's got the scarred on the side of his face that looks kind of drawn on like a drip like something that he would have on a manga
and he's like a nobleman but his father was the second son or whatever so they don't live in a fancy manner they live in a kind of a cottagey thing
And it's amazingly beautiful
I love little cottagey things

I put some of the new paints into the new palette that I got for them to kind of dry out because it's got stuff on both sides so you can't really put stuff on the other side until the first side dries out not really sure how long that's going to take and I wanted to put all the schmincke super granulating colors together
Rather than sorting them into color groups so I've got them in a very strange order and I don't know if ultimately it will bother me because normally I put things in kind of a particular order
but these are in a very strange order I've got tundra orange and then forest brown and forest gray and glacier brown and galaxy pink and tundra blue and deep sea indigo and forest olive and I've got two more colors the deep sea green and deep sea violet and they're going to go I guess on the side
Although maybe not
I'd really like to have them on the same side if I could get a little containers to put them in that I could glue down or something I might do that I don't know
really the way I arranged him is so that it'll be visually easy for me to tell them apart if I put all the green looking things together then I'm like well which green is it but you know if I know kind of where I've positioned them and also I put I put the two the tundra orange and the forest brown are the ones that I'm kind of disappointed with like they didn't quite turn out to be like what I thought they were going to be so I've got them on one end to kind of encourage me to use them more and besides I think I'm probably going to use them more in mixes and then the forest olive and the deep sea indigo are very low tinting strength so I've got them on the other end and the glacier brown and the galaxy pink are both very high tinting strength so I've got them in the middle and then I've got the gray and the blue kind of on either side so I think when I look at them it will be very easy to tell what the colors are without my having to look at some sort of a list or a map or anything

Anyway I need to go to sleep I feel like I'm just sleeping all the time
but I've got some stuff on the computer I have to do tomorrow which I haven't done this week I could have done it today I guess but I didn't want to but now I feel fairly confident that the power is going to stay on
So I need to go to sleep and get up you know not early but not sleep all day I got s*** to do
The cat is on the stairs now staring at me He's been up sleeping in the bed I guess but I was going to feed him anyway so his timing is pretty good
But he'll be down to minutes me in a second

He did not like when the heat was out he did not like eating in the dark he did not like snow
He did not mind spending all day in bed
And he seems to have grown a lot more fur I don't think it's possible for him to have grown so much for in that short period of time but he looks you know twice as big as he did before and he ain't less so he couldn't possibly have gained enough weight that he could look significantly larger it's got to be fur but he just seems enormous now

Anyway he's coming to menace me now so I need to feed him and then I'm going to sleep for a little while
I love you very much sweetheart πŸ’‹