Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The powers on now
It's cycled on and off several times
I feel like I should get up and do things since the powers on but when I'm awake I'm feeling so anxious that I'm almost nauseated
So I've just kind of rolled back over and gone back to sleep
So I've only been awake for maybe an hour and I'm just laying in bed
Honestly kind of trying to go to sleep but I've just been asleep for too long and I can't
I should be hungry
I don't think I've had anything to eat since about 2:30 or 3:00 yesterday
But the idea of food just doesn't sound that good to me
Oh wait that's not true I did eat sometime in the evening
I had a grocery store donut with some coffee
But it's still probably been 16 hours

I dreamed about making this independent movie I don't know if I was making it or if I was watching other people make it I'm not clear
But there was this youngish like maybe in his early twenties African guy
And this girl who was just like slightly nerdy kind of middle-class white girl
And they did this take that was very kind of supernatural I think it had something to do with vampires and something and it was just really good
And they were like okay well that's what we have to do or I'm not sure that they both were like okay that's what we have to do but somebody was like okay that's what we have to do that's great
And then the people themselves
Kept changing or being busy or somebody around them would want to change their image
They kept making the girl more of a popular cliqueish girl she kept getting more and more styled
His schedule kept getting more and more constricted
And then suddenly it was a love story
And then suddenly she was an Indian girl like not native American but Indian
And it ended up being this very very stylized piece where she was represented by this silk scarf that was this kind of chartreuse olive color and he was some kind of woven cloth that was a pattern and it was a kind of a dark hard to describe like ready pinkish orange woven fabric was they're both really beautiful fabrics but you know to begin with they had been doing this kind of you know avant-garde horror film and suddenly they were doing this avant-garde some other kind of thing with color but
And I since I've been painting and stuff I have been having a lot of dreams involving color

And the salient feature was the green color not the slogan if you know what I mean

But yes I'm very very anxious
I'm safe I'm okay
There's no water I don't know if I told you that but the water just went down to a trickle and then they were like the water pressure is too low so you know if you're going to use the water you need to boil it but at the point when they said that there wasn't enough water to get any out to boil so
I have some water set aside and I have some bottled water and some canned water and I think I'm okay and I guess it depends on how long this goes on I'm not okay for a month
But they don't really think it's going to be a month
I'm not really sure about my car
Because you know when you have a lot of freezing you need to have good antifreeze
and I know I had antifreeze in my car but I don't know how long ago it was put in and I don't know how much it might have gotten diluted because when you go to the mechanics if your car needs water they should put water in they don't mix it with antifreeze so the proportion may be off I mean it's never ever something you need to think about here because it's never ever cold or not like really cold like it may get down to freezing but not for an extended period of time
like here if it's going to get down to 35 or 36 they're like hard freeze but that's not hard freeze what we just had that was a hard freeze so I don't know if all the pipes in my car will have burst I don't I just I don't know
Also super cold can drain your battery
And I haven't really been driving enough to charge up my battery anyway
But I just got a new battery not that long ago because the old one died I mean during the pandemic
mostly when I've been going to the studio mostly I haven't been driving myself mostly my mother's been coming to pick me up because that gives me another way to kind of see how she's doing you know plus we get to talk on the way

I don't know

I guess I'll get up