Tuesday, February 23, 2021

So before I went to sleep I looked around for podcasts
And there are so many podcasts
But I finally found one that sounded like the right podcast
It was a women in shamanism podcast right You know and it had some kind of a tagline that was like you know saying all the things that aren't supposed to be said or I don't know something along those lines that made it sound very you know raw and something
So when I actually started listening to it it's called PYTHOS
And it's a bunch of English women
And I can't really tell how old they are
but you know my guess would be that the youngest one is probably in her late thirties
And they've all been trained in the art of seerism
In the tradition of the Oracle of Delphi
Which made me kind of laugh
Because my guess is that they didn't go to Delphi and train with someone who's lived in the caves for their whole life and multiple generations or something
My guess it's is that it's you know one of those kind of Golden Dawn style mystery schools
And I thought yeah that's what you deserve
But you know I started listening to it and they're talking all about the Earth's serpent
And they're going to read you a weave

People write in questions I think they do this once or twice a month people write in questions and one of the women I don't know if it's always the same one or if it rotates through I don't know like channels the answer to their question
And this one was about resistance how do we counteract resistance
I might be wrong Resistance might have not been the word she used but it was you know basically there's a lot of negativity in the world and we want to maintain our you know indigo vibe and how do we do that
And you know I like the weave it was very poetically done it sounded very channeled
At all though my first thought was oh no nu huh no
I was like come on give it a chance listen to it
And after she does her weave
wish to be clear she's in channeling at that moment she's channeled it before or whatever and she's just reading it
Then they go around the circle and every woman responds to the weave
So you get kind of ostensibly the raw reaction
Which was you know kind of cool
And I could certainly relate to it
But I don't
I'm not sure this is going to make sense

If I knew the women if I had like a picture in my head of who each one was and what their life experience was and what they'd said about things before so that it was like a group of friends then I might have been able to get into their individual raw here let me turn my brain inside out for you thing
But as it was it was just like a collection of pretty normal seeming English women yeah that's not fair but I mean there weren't really any radical viewpoints it was all kind of you know we need to see how we resonate with things and see what this brings up for us and you know I mean

It wasn't doing that much for me
And the word that just kept surfacing
Was privileged
Not what they were saying but kept surfacing in my head in response to what they were saying it's like
And I was like I just I'm not going to be able to listen to the weavings of the Earth's serpent I'm sorry I wanted to I really wanted to

so then I'm like well you know I'm going to sleep tomorrow is another day whatever I can always look for another podcast
but you know there was a way in which I wasn't sure that wasn't really the right podcast for me and that made me kind of sad

So I went to sleep
can I set my alarm for like 11:30 because I thought well you know I don't want to get back on this up all night sleep all day thing because you know I'm back to having to go places during the day
But every time I would sort of float up towards awakeness
This overwhelming thing would come over me
I was absorbing myself in my dream I guess

There was a color orange
And there was a color blue

And which one I was absorbing myself into varied depending upon which time I was rising to the surface I guess
And what I was telling myself is
What is important is that you're happy
And these colors are like pure magic colors
if you absorb yourself completely into like the atomic pattern of this color it is perfect and your bind state will be perfect and your everything will be perfect so rather than wake up and enter an imperfect state stay in this perfect state where you'll be happy and everything will heal and everything will be awesome

Headed by not a really awake state I said that makes really good sense I am so going to do that

And that's how I slept all day