Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Well I'm going to bed
I had an omelette with really really nice cheddar cheese but just a little bit
For breakfast or really brunch lunch whatever the thing I eat when I got up
And then I had a mushroom and goat cheese omelette for dinner
I not believe that I have ever in my life had two omelettes in one day
to be honest with you I don't even think I've had two omelettes in one week maybe maybe

So I've been looking it up and all the things that from my perspective my body really likes and does really well on are things you can't eat on a ketogenic diet
Can't eat oatmeal
Can't eat brown rice
Can't eat peas
Can't eat wheat toast

Now in fairness you can eat tuna
You can eat all kinds of fish
It looks like you can eat cottage cheese although I'll have to check on whether non-fat cottage cheese is okay because that's the kind I like so probably it's not allowed for some reason
It looks like Greek yogurt might be allowed

And of course you know lettuce is fine
I think cruciferous vegetables are okay I think greens are okay no I don't know if they are okay in the quantities that I usually eat them
Because I'm seeing these numbers on charts but I'm not sure what quantities you know I mean a lot of times people will list vegetables in half cup serving sizes
And while I don't have a problem with your reducing my sizes on meat
I do have a problem with your reducing my serving sizes on vegetables

But it occurs to me that if this works and I go into ketosis which I sort of think I did cuz my stomach got really upset a couple hours after dinner
And the whole experience seemed very like my system had shifted somehow and was trying to adjust but it may not be all the way adjusted but it occurred to me that if I go through this 3 days of eggs and I've switched to ketosis I really ought to try to limit my carbs for some period of time afterwards so that I can maximize the effort and see if it works

I mean
I had this experience with the cat
When I first got him I was feeding him cat food and I was feeding him treats and he was getting fat he was not quite all the way to you know giant but he was you know overweight for sure
And then when I switched him to the limited ingredient food because we had to get him off that protein he very quickly like within a few days maybe even within a day I don't know cats have very fast metabolisms but there was like this shift in him that was like I can't remember exactly what the signs were but I had this very real sense that his body hadn't been able to process the food I had been giving him properly and somehow he was able to actually make energy out of this food and so all of a sudden there was like a change in him and his weight just started coming down
Now you know he's not eating a small amount of food he eats about four of those 3 oz cans a day
Which is maybe more food than technically he needs and sometimes he inches it up a little more than
But like if you're just going by the quantity of food that might be more than he needs but this fish and potato food is pretty low calorie so I don't think the four cans of food is out of line in any way but it's not like he's on super low calorie diet because even though the food is low calorie he's eating more of it to compensate and he's remained at his current weight for I don't know two or three years
When he had all his sickness he did lose some weight and so he had to gain that back so it probably hasn't been 3 years cuz I don't think it's been 3 years since he got sick I don't really remember yeah maybe it has but he's remained at his current weight for at least 2 years
So I mean it's possible
That I'm wrong about what I need to eat
And what my body likes to eat
But I don't know
Whenever people are talking about keto
They seem to make it seem like it's a very meat-centric diet and although I'm eating meat now I'm not really thinking of my diet as meat-centric

when I told my mother what I was doing she was like oh my God if you just eat eggs for 3 days your cholesterol will go through the roof and you'll have a heart attack
But you know I don't think that's right
I mean it seems to be very uncertain like experts completely disagree on eggs and cholesterol
And I don't think it's possible for you to build up cholesterol permanently in your system over such a short period as 3 days

But the thing I would want to do to counteract it is eat oatmeal
But I want to kind of do this for long enough to see if it actually works
And I think when I weighed myself last
well I know I wasn't wearing my glasses but I think I may have read the scale wrong based on not being able to see so I think the number was not 14 but 19
So that's kind of disappointing
I didn't weigh myself in the morning yesterday before I started so I weighed myself in the evening after I had eaten all the food for the day and it was like 23.8
So either I had gained back some weight which is totally possible
Or it's pretty common for me to be heavier at the end of the day than it is at the beginning of the day
but then when I got up today I did weigh myself and it was 19.4 and then after I consumed all the food I was going to eat for the day I weighed myself again and it was still 19.4 so I don't know we'll see what it is tomorrow
But we're not going to have a completely accurate accounting of how much weight I've lost
But we've got a whole another day
and the fact that some people lose 9 to 15 lb doesn't necessarily mean that everybody will lose 9 to 15 lb
But I will say that if on Thursday morning I'm 19.4 then I think it's unlikely that I'm we highly motivated to do more egg diet

But if I lose you know around 10 lb
Or something convincingly close to it then I'll explore the keto thing more

But the soy milk helps my hormones
So we're going to have to work the carbs around that and that's like nine carbs so that's going to leave me like 11 carbs for the rest of the day which is not going to be a lot so I might have to get creative

Today I didn't have black coffee today I had the pu ehr tea with shilajit
Which I really like and was very happy to drink
Maybe I could look into edamame
I'm sure they have carbs as well but their net carb level would be lower
I don't especially enjoy edamame
But I could make an edamame hummus
It's pretty tasty
And I guess I could eat it with celery or romaine lettuce maybe make it a salad dressing or maybe have it with cantina that might not be bad that would be a lot of protein then That's a possibility

I love you very much
Sleep well sweetheart 💋