Friday, March 26, 2021

So my mom got her shot yesterday
Johnson & Johnson so that's just one shot so she's done
But she didn't get a lot of sleep the night before because she was very worried and stressed about it so she didn't want to go to the studio today and I am doing some other stuff as well so I won't be finishing that one today but I'm thinking about what I want to do to it I'm trying to decide if I want to have it hanging down like it is now and like I originally pictured it or if I want to put behind the whole thing kind of a watery colorful backdrop

And then of course I've got a glue it down because the only thing that's glued is that cardboard packing material piece on the back
But I am liking it and I have another backing for the next project which I think is going to be flowers or some sort of field but kind of abstracted

I took my car in yesterday to get an oil change and to have them check all the belts and hoses and all that kind of stuff and they did that and they said it all good but I needed a new air filter and they didn't have one so they had to order it and I'm going in today to have them replace that

When I weighed myself yesterday morning I had not lost any additional weight from that third day so if I do that egg diet thing again I'm probably not going to do 3 days I'm probably only going to do 2 days
And subsequently I think that probably the keto diet is not going to be the answer to all of my problems which is honestly kind of a relief
But what I'm going to do is continue to do low carbs for you know at least a week or two and see if that makes any substantial difference

However not quite as low as 20 g a day because The soy milk really does make a difference and the articles that I read said that they've done studies and the people in the studies could stay in ketosis with as high as 50 g of carbs but those were people who were normal not people who were insulin intolerant and blah blah
But I'm assuming that if my body was extremely sensitive to that keto and that was what it was wanting to do it would have continued to lose at least a little weight on the third day since my body and like said oh this is what we're doing now and like adjusted so that I wouldn't lose any more weight makes me think that that probably isn't the answer and therefore if I do low carbs but just maybe 25 or 30 instead of 20 probably it'll still have some impact because normally I'm way way higher than that I mean I haven't really counted my carbs so I can't tell you how many but I mean oatmeal is extremely high in carbs and so is Malta meal and so is toast and I mean all those things
So I think if I let myself have the soy milk and it goes up to you know 25 then I think I'm probably still fine
But I did pick up some edamame so I could make edamame hummus frozen frozen and a mommy
See my problem with this voice thing is that I run my words together and I have attenuated vowels and so it just guesses so edamame becomes edamame oh now when I say and a mommy it says edamame
My phone is so cute