Thursday, March 18, 2021

I fell asleep in the chair again
I decided I wanted a watch
I know it's not a popular thing everybody uses their phone but my phone is usually either in my purse or it's sitting nearby when I'm painting or doing stuff in the studio I'm moving around and it just decided I would like to have a watch
And I have watches
But none of them have a working battery
And you can take a watch into a jeweler and they can replace the battery for you
You could probably even order a watch battery
But are there different watch batteries
I don't know
And I don't want to go to a jeweler I'm like not really leaving the house hardly
So I was like you know what I really want is just a wind-up watch
Like super old school
So I went on eBay and I found this old watch and there are lots of them okay but this the guy I got it from he buys old watches and I think he tinkers with them cleans them up and does stuff to him and I just really liked this one I thought it was really really pretty had a nice texture
It's a men's watch I'm certain but it's a small man's watch so it works well on my wrist it doesn't look oversize although I like oversized watches but it it just it's a good proportion
And I would have taken a picture to show you but arm hair
The band that's on it is not the band that was originally on it he only had one band apparently just laying around that fit it and so he cleaned that up real nice and I thought well I don't know if I like that band
But in fact I do I like it pretty well
However it had been like closed down to the smallest size you could possibly set it to and it was too tight for me and I was like what the f*** am I going to do
And I was looking at it and I was thinking you know I I can kind of see how either just but I was like missing a step somewhere I thought I needed to like compress the little pins on both sides somehow and I couldn't figure out how to do that
And I went on YouTube and you know looked up how do you adjust a stainless steel watch band
and it turns out they're a bunch of different kinds
So I just looked for something that had the little pins like this one has
and I didn't even have to watch the whole tutorial because as soon as they showed how to how to do it the start of it I was like okay that was the part I didn't get you don't have to do both sides just have to compress in one side and then it just slips right out so I adjusted it and it's you know I'm not going to lie I might like it to be a little bit looser because I kind of like my watches to slip around and this one doesn't slip around but it's not tight it fits just perfect
And it's kind of fiddly because it doesn't like to be overwound
but you know it's kind of hard to tell when you've overwound it so I think I did
so I was shaking and smacking it against my hand and I got it going again I really like it

I of course didn't go out and drink
I have beer I could have chilled assuming it's still even good
It might be skunky by now
I'm pretty sure I still have margarita mix I know I have tequila but I'm not sure about the status of mixer
I thought about doing that
But in the end I did not

It rained really hard earlier today

The last time I went out for St Patrick's Day was 10 years ago
This guy was working with his birthday was actually the day before St Patrick's Day but he was celebrating it on St Patrick's Day and it was at Rockefellers
And normally when people have birthdays or parties or get togethers or whatever I don't participate
But for some reason that time I did
but not very many of his friends showed up because I guess they had other stuff to do on St Patrick's Day
and I'm guessing maybe he thought well you know everybody's going to be out drinking on St Patrick's Day anyway if I have my birthday on Saint Patrick's Day well then you know they'll be wanting to go out and drink anyway and they'll just come drink with me but apparently that was not the case so I mean he did have a few friends who were like bar hopping who stopped by on their you know evening
But I ended up being there for a long time I don't remember exactly how long a long time is but longer than I had really meant to be there
But the fact that I was there for him on his birthday when so many of his other friends weren't and I had only known him for like less than 6 months
That made a big impression on him and then I had trouble
Because people never understand that I don't want to go out and party I don't want to go talk to them I don't want to do things because by the time I've worked all day I've had as much social interaction as I can deal with
And so then it was a constant oh come do this I'll come do that I'll come do this so come do that and I mean he was like engaged he wasn't like hitting on me or anything he just wanted to be my friend
It was very difficult to not go and not have it hurt his feelings

And then if you're going to go back to the time before that I don't even know when that would be
Maybe sometime in college
Maybe sometime in my mid-twenties
Probably not though because you know in general if I'm going to go out and drink
A night when everybody is out drinking getting drunk and driving around would be a night I would avoid
I do think I'm part Irish though
I think I'm more Scottish than Irish but I do think there's a little bit of Irish in there

I think I'm going to go ahead and go to bed I'm tired I guess
I've been taking melatonin for a few days trying to I don't know get my sleep situation a little bit more sane and I was sleeping okay but it's having kind of a I don't know weird effect on me
Melatonin always affects me really strongly so like you know they have 25 mg and 15 mg and 9 mg pills and the 9 mg I would have to cut in half and it would still just knock me on my ass where it would make me sleep and sleep and have a hard time waking up but I found these pills that are dissolved under your tongue and they're 3 mg and you're supposed to take three of them because 9 mg is apparently the smallest dose that a normal human being can take
But I'm taking like one 3 mg and you know sleeping 7 and 1/2 hours and I'm yawning all day
I don't know I just feel weird
I think I'm going to drive my car tomorrow and I'm trying to decide where I should drive it I don't want to just drive it around like I've been doing because it hasn't led to any inspiration or adventures I feel like
I'm not giving myself an opportunity to have law of attraction bring me anything and that's not really true I mean probably I am but I'm not optimizing it and since I have to leave the house anyway and I have to drive around anyway I'm just trying to think I was thinking about going to the zoo because that's outside and so even though there are other people there it's maybe not as dangerous as something inside but in point of fact they are making reservations and social distancing and only allowing certain numbers of people in at a time and wasn't really sure what the weather was going to be like and apparently the day before is not early enough to schedule it because the earliest appointment was at 4:00 p.m. and I think that's too late to start the zoo

And I could go to the museum maybe maybe that would be safe but Thursday is the free day That's the museum so that's not going to be a good day and I think they're doing scheduled socially distanced entry as well I'm not sure
so I'm just not sure I'm having a hard time thinking of something
My cat is hungry so he's passive-aggressively chewing on things right now because I'm not moving fast enough
Tell you what he's a little handful

Anyway maybe something brilliant will occur to me
I thought I might do that egg diet and I have stuff coming from the imperfect produce
One dozen large eggs organic cage-free
One doesn't small eggs organic cage-free
Three cheeses a smoked gouda a farmhouse cheddar which I'm not exactly sure what that will entail I've had farmhouse cheese tends to be pretty mild so maybe it's a very mild cheddar I don't know it'll be interesting to see and a goat cheese some organic butter and these little sous vide egg bites they've got a little bit of spinach in them so kind of cheater
But my thinking was to do scrambled eggs in the morning and then like hard-boiled eggs and cheese for lunch and then maybe scrambled eggs again for dinner or maybe deviled eggs I like deviled eggs
But then I thought I'd try out the sous vide bites and see how those were those are precooked and in little I don't know what to call them blister packs maybe
They might be good for breakfast they might be good for lunches they might be good for dinners or they might not be good
I like eggs
I feel like I used to eat a lot more eggs when I was younger and that somehow I kind of got away from eating very many eggs
like currently I would say I have eggs less than once a week for sure
And the idea of that many eggs
And really I can't eat as many eggs as what you're supposed to eat to do that egg diet thing properly because you're supposed to work out your macros blah blah and I think I would be having like six eggs per meal maybe more than that
However then I saw another directions for how to do it that was like you have to eat at least six eggs a day well six eggs a day is doable and I can probably do more than that I just can't do like 18 eggs and a day That's that's crazy
And I don't know
That's just not a lot of fiber
I mean can I have mushrooms in the omelets can I have cheer tomatoes in the omelettes I don't think you're supposed to
I mean if I eat a good size bowl of oatmeal I might not need to eat again for the rest of the day
But eggs I'm not sure
And a completely animal-based with no vegetables but I guess you know for 3 days I can try and see what happens
I mean if I can lose 10 or 15 lb in 3 days
But then if you're not doing a keto after that I don't know whether it will be beneficial and I haven't really figured out how many carbs you can have on keto I did start looking at it
But of course I got varying answers and I want to say that the median answer was about 25 or 30 g and it seems to me like you could eat a pretty fair number of green vegetables and not go over 25 or 30 g as long as you didn't have any sugar or bread or any of that kind of stuff so I don't know I haven't decided yet but the egg thing was freaky enough that it intrigued me and eggs are not very expensive
And I mean cheese is not cheap but if you're not eating tons of it then it's not too bad
I'm a little miffed though because I ordered pomelos I love pomelos and the imperfect said they had pomelos and I'm like okay bring it on bring me four giant pomelos
and then when they sent me my confirmation today they're like oh there's some stuff that we couldn't send you so I'm not getting the pomelos and they did that to me once before I'm seriously I was going to skip the whole box but then I saw the pomelos and I'm like oh okay well do that egg thing so I'm getting an order so I can get the pomelos that was seriously my whole motivation otherwise I would have just gotten that stuff at the grocery store

I hope that you're doing okay
I love you very much
Sleep well sweetheart 💋