Monday, March 1, 2021

I know I said I was going to talk to you in the morning
But I woke up with a super bad headache
There's some in the front coming through so I think it's got to do with that but I'm sure shortness of sleep didn't help any
But I haven't gotten up I just said oh f*** no one went back to sleep

I set my alarm and I kept sending it for like every 20 or 30 minutes in the future to check and see if it was any better and I kept changing The positioning of my head in my neck but it just didn't seem to be any better

And then I woke up by myself about an hour ago which makes sense cuz that's about 8 hours after I went to sleep and I was like well I could get up now but my head hurts real bad and it's going to hurt worse when I stand up
and maybe that's not true maybe if I get up and I take a hot shower it'll go away
And I'm going to have to get up to pee
So I guess we'll see

I was just dreaming
I was hanging out with movie stars
I don't think I was a movie star
I'm not sure exactly what I was doing there
But it was kind of strange
Robert Downey Jr was there
At least that's who it was supposed to be but it didn't look like him
And I was trying to talk to him
Because I've always really liked him
But he had a small boy who was supposed to be his son with him
And he seemed to have superhuman powers
But maybe he didn't have superhuman powers maybe he was just really strong
Anyway he kept trying to do stuff that was dangerous that people around him
Lifting heavy things and carrying them in a way that if he had lost control of them they would have fallen and really hurt people
And so I went up to him but I'm like
You know honey it's not my place to tell you this but that's really not a good thing to do because although you're really strong and I'm sure you could carry that thing if you had lost control of it you would have hurt people
So you know it's really not good to do that kind of stuff in a not controlled environment
so maybe don't do any more of that right now and just wait until you're in an environment like that

And his father looked daggers at me like I was super out of line

So then I was trying to talk to him and tell him stuff but he just kept looking daggers at me so I'm like well that's unfortunate
I alienated myself from someone I really wanted to think favorably of me but somebody had to say it to the kid and if he wasn't going to do it then I was going to do it and I said it was not appropriate for me to say that but

And then I woke up
I know there was more dream though