Wednesday, March 10, 2021

So I didn't get up real early I got up I don't remember when I got up and I had a really bad headache and I just kind of you know worked my way into it because one of the things I had to do today was deal with my car

The battery was dead
And I was going to have to call AAA and deal with all that s*** but I got this thing it's dual function it you can use it to recharge your cell phone or anything you can charge with a USB doesn't have a wall plug
But you can also jump start your car supposedly

But I didn't really believe it was going to work especially after it came because it was not very big it was like maybe 4x6 4x8 something like that it was just a little thing
and then I was afraid that I was going to blow up my car because you know if you are doing a jump start and you don't get the terminals on the right way you can blow up your engine but this was supposed to have you know idiot proof instructions and it's supposed to have a light so if you have it on the wrong terminals it'll have a red light so you need to change it before you start your car and then as it turns out my battery has a big giant raised plus and a big giant race minus on the terminals which I don't remember that from when I first developed this fear
What I remember was I was going to jump my My car but then I remembered the story one of my friends in high school's mother and I sort of think it might have been Debbie 
Her mother was doing some work on her car and something and talking about how if you get the battery thing on the wrong terminal it'll blow up your engine and will blow up the battery or something something blows up

That's the part that's stuck in my head
so I'm looking at it and it was super easy and the instructions were super easy they were like put the red one on the plus first and then put the black one on the minus second and then turn it on and wait for the cycling to go through and when the white light comes on then you're clear to start your car or if the red light comes on you need to switch the terminals so it's like okay and when I went out the other day the car fob thing still worked and when I got in the car to stick my key in the light was still lit up around the ignition but today the key fob did not work it didn't make the beeping noise and the light wasn't on the ignition so I was like well whatever juice was left in it is gone completely gone I'm like I really did not believe it was going to work

But then but then I turned the key and it just started right up

So then I went out and drove around
and I think I'm just going to have to commit to doing that every day or two because if I just say oh yeah yeah yeah I'll do that sure then I don't do it

And I had fish and baked potato and asparagus it was very delicious

And I'm watching this thing
It's kind of nerdy
I mean I guess you know it's okay
But it's this role-playing thing you know like dungeons & dragons only it's not dungeons and dragons it's the mask grade-based I guess which is a vampire game
And it's vampires of Pittsburgh or something
It has a better title than that but it's about vampires in Pittsburgh
And it wouldn't be that exciting except the people who are on it are like improv actors comedians whatever
And the game master guy he has never I guess played this particular game system before and so he only kind of knows the rules
And he's more interested in making a good story so like if one of these you know people who are playing come up with some idea for something they want to do that he thinks is a cool idea then even if it's not exactly allowed by the rules he'll let him do it

Anyway it's kind of silly but it is about vampires and I like vampires and I like these people even though I don't really know who they are
I've seen the girl in some other stuff but none of the guys are people that I know

But you know I'm old enough that sometimes I don't know all the popular kids
Sometimes I do

I'm not going to spend a bunch of time telling you about it it's just funny it's on twitch it might be on YouTube I'm uncertain
It's called stream of blood
The sky I think his name is Logan he does apparently has been doing for quite some time a vampire game there are apparently multiple vampire games or maybe not all of the games he plays are specifically vampire gaming systems but he does vampire games and Cthulhu games

and I'm intrigued by the whole Cthulhu thing because I think I read like maybe one or two Lovecraft short stories but I haven't ever read any of his books and I'm not positive about the short stories I just think I read some short stories
So I mean I know there's all the secret shadowy whatever and there's sea monsters with tentacle heads and whatever but
I get the impression that things that are Cthulhu based it's not so much that you see the sea monsters as just that the whole system is based around the fact that reality is masked and you don't really know what it's like and if you find out what it's like then it's a madness inducing experience

And so I guess I cut through the game has that sort of world building but then you know what you're actually doing in that world might be totally unrelated
There's one I know I've heard of it's called Delta Green That's kind of like a government agency that does like X-Files stuff they look for secret whatever and supposedly you can't play it for very long cuz your character goes insane and like everyday you take more mental damage and you know I don't know it sounds conceptually interesting
I never played any kind of role-playing games

Cuz I don't know that was kind of nerdy I guess
And the idea of you know going and sitting around a table and having you know a game master that kind of creates the world for you and everything I mean that just doesn't really appeal to me
but I don't know I'm kind of enjoying watching these people doing their kind of improving whatever
They come up with some crazy s***
And of course I guess what sucked me in was you know if there's any kind of vampire thing then I have to know well what are the rules in your vampire world cuz they're different in everybody's world
And the sky and his name is middleditch
He's got his character created as this like 62-year-old Union dock worker and he's kind of a you know stick to the man kind of character but he has a daughter who's grown but when she was younger she read the oh crap what's it called Twilight she read all the Twilight books and I guess he read them to or she talked about them so much and maybe he watched the movies with her I don't know but so that's really his only experience with vampires
And of course the Twilight stuff is just b******* it's just b******* it's like I watch the Twilight movies because you know it's vampires and I've got to keep up but you know after I watch them while I watch two of them if there's more than two I didn't watch them all I think I watch two of them and I was like oh my God that's you know however many hours of my life I'm not going to get back and I never read any of the books I mean the idea that you're a vampire and you go outside and the daylight and you just kind of shimmer and what is that f***** up s*** anyway so his knowledge of vampires is all off

Then he keeps referencing Twilight and it's just hysterical

Well he probably doesn't continue to do it but I've only watched a few episodes
But they've got different vampire clans and so you know that's kind of how they reconcile or they take advantage of the fact that they're all these different kind of ways that people have created worlds with vampires and so like there's I can't remember what they're called but there's like one clan that's like Nosferatu they're all like you know white and bony and crazy dead looking

Anyway you don't care about this but it's just kind of fun and then with you know the other half of my brain or some other part of my brain probably not half I was looking for an orange fountain pen ink
But of course I've let it get all late again
and I didn't just fall down the rabbit hole on inks I found I fell down the rabbit hole on Japanese tomoe river paper books like notebooks

I think the things that entertain me are pretty strange
I need to go to bed
I love you very much sweetheart
Sleep well