Monday, March 29, 2021

I'm not quite back to ballet arms level of muscle control but getting pretty close
The injection site only really hurts if I press on it you know like if I'm just moving it around doesn't hurt now it did take some ibuprofen but that was hours ago now and in fact I took it I don't know around 7:00 I guess and around 9:30 I was like how long has it been since I took it can I take it again because my head was hurting and everything was hurting and I'm like no you need to wait until 11:00 before you can take it again and so it's probably worn off by now cuz I didn't take it again at 11:00
So I still have a headache and that headache kind of goes down my spine to the middle of my back but my arms don't hurt my lower back isn't noticeably worse than it ever is
My thigh is still ache a little bit but they were pretty bad and they're not now
I feel like when I go to climb the stairs again it's not going to be a problem
I don't feel dizzy I do feel that slightly tweaked equilibrium thing like I did to start with but it's back to that level
I expect it by tomorrow I'll be pretty much maybe not completely back to normal but pretty much back to normal back to normal enough that I could do anything I needed to do

oh and I think I forgot to tell you earlier when I woke up at like I think it was around 6:45 when I woke up and I checked my phone and there was a text from my mother saying did you get your covid shot
And I'm like m*********** she doesn't remember that we are in trouble
So I called her to check in on her Make sure she wasn't seen all of a sudden
and she's like yeah that text was meant for somebody else and then I saw that I texted it to you accidentally and I thought oh and she sees that she'll call me right away
But I'm like yeah that's kind of a dick move
And she's like no it's not
So whatever
And she asked me how I was and I told her and she's like okay so then we're not going to work tomorrow
and I'm like well you know I might be fine tomorrow I don't think these symptoms are supposed to last very long
And she's like well I've got somebody that I've hired to do some work in my garden so we're working in the garden and it's supposed to be a pretty day tomorrow
And I'm like well okay if you don't want to work in the studio because you got something else you're doing then that's fine I just meant we didn't need to cancel it on my account and she's like yeah I'm going to work in the garden so we're not going to do it
and I'm like okay well I'll call you tomorrow and let you know how I'm doing

So I'm a lot better
I mean that was less than 8 hours ago that I was telling you how terrible I felt and now I feel substantially better

I hope you're doing well sweetheart
I love you very much