Sunday, March 28, 2021

I woke up at like 8:30 and had to pee and that was too early to get up anyway but I didn't feel great

Then I woke up at 12:30 and I was going to get up but when I stood up I was like well I'm not too sure about that so I went to the bathroom and I was standing up for maybe 10 minutes and I was like man I don't have the energy to stand up so I went back to bed

now in bed I didn't feel bad at all My muscles were very relaxed and I felt very languid

I just figured that wasn't really any need to be awake so actually I wasn't even planning to go back to sleep I was just going to lay in the bed and play on my phone or whatever but I did fall back to sleep

So I just got up a few minutes ago I don't know 30 maybe not quite 30 and here's the situation now

I came downstairs to get food and as I'm coming down the stairs I'm like man I'm not certain I'm going to make it back up the stairs

I have a headache but that's hardly surprising
I do have I wouldn't go so far as to say pain but an ache that's noticeable at the injection site and whereas yesterday I felt like my muscle movement was stiffened in my left arm like I couldn't do flowing ballet moves with it now all of my muscles are impaired I can't really do flowing ballet moves with my right arm either and the muscles across my back ache and my hip joints hurt and you know all my muscle groups my large muscle groups are achy

So the symptoms are you know reminiscent of flu but not you know at that level I would say that they could be roughly categorized under pain in the injection site and extreme fatigue I wouldn't that's not how I would describe it but it could be roughly characterized under those terms

And I thought it was more likely that I would have these symptoms after the second injection I don't know whether to think that the fact that I had them after the first injection means that if I had been exposed to covid that I would have had a really really bad case or what

But you know nothing is happening that I can't deal with I don't want to be in bed all day because that tends to make me have a really bad pain in my back so I'm going to be up for a while and eat and stretch and whatever but I don't know if I'm going to stay up late I think I might go back to bed after I feel like I've been up long enough to count you know

When my immune system is trying to do something it tends to prefer to sleep
I guess although I wouldn't characterize most of my muscle groups as pain I would characterize them as ache I think my thighs probably reach the level of mild pain or extreme ache somewhere in there I'm able to fine tune that any further but that doesn't surprise me because the first muscle that I had the cramping in was my right thigh so for whatever reason they are affected more

And low-level dizziness
Like not so bad that I feel like I'm going to fall over but not just a slight tweak in my equilibrium
And with all that said I don't feel sick exactly
which seems kind of incredible because that all sounds like sickness symptoms but I don't feel exactly sick
I have slight allergy drainage but it's obvious as slight allergy drainage so I don't know it's very interesting

Again this is the moderna vaccine
and I don't know if you got it if you would have these symptoms probably not probably you would be absolutely fine and not notice anything
But you know just for information on purposes

And although it's completely possible for me to make myself sick with my mind I didn't really expect to have any reaction so I don't think I did this psychosomatically
I'm pretty sure this is all just my body's reaction