Tuesday, March 30, 2021

I'm going to go to sleep now
I just listened to a whole string of trouble theme songs I don't know if I heard all of the songs that were in the string it started with lightnin Hopkins

I'd say I'm pretty much back to normal now I'm still kind of stiff my head still kind of hurts
I don't feel like I've quite got ballet arms back yet
Do you even know what that means does that make any sense at all
If you were in a swimming pool and you were moving your arm out in a sort of a clockwise motion no that doesn't make sense not clockwise like as though you were on the face of a clock and you were moving your arms up only you wouldn't be moving them exactly up necessarily you'd probably be moving them at a slight angle but if you were moving through the water you couldn't move quickly you'd have the force of the water against you and it would do this kind of rippling thing that you would be able to feel but if you were moving your arm as though you were moving it quickly through the water and you had the pressure of the water against you then you would be moving it smoothly it's hard to describe but that's that gives you enough of a picture right That's what I'm talking about ballet arms I'm talking about being able to do that without having the water against you where you get this totally smooth movement that's very controlled but doesn't look in any way stiff or jerky it's just smooth and I can't quite do that so I don't quite have my normal level of fine motor skill and I'm still a little bit brain foggy but I don't feel well I never really felt sick I just felt bad but I don't feel bad now I just feel kind of stupid

And that isn't even right I don't feel stupid I just feel I don't know like I've got some kind of a access glitch
But whatever not important not complaining

So I'm still trying to eat low-carb
I had some chicken that was cooked in the crock pot with lemon and garlic
And broccoli
No brown rice

I've got some salad in the refrigerator
I got some bars that look really good I mean they taste pretty good actually but what I mean by they look pretty good is the the macros on them look pretty good they've got no added sugar seven grams of fiber 10 g of protein and they've got like 10 g of carbs I think so the net carbs is three that's not bad it's got collagen it's flavored with monk fruit it doesn't have any weird stuff like the quest bars had all this weird fiber and they stop making that flavor I liked these are also like 180 calories and no 190 calories a bar so that's not even too too bad I got a lot of fat 14 g of fat but supposedly that's good for you now so whatever

When I was in college at one point I was on a low-fat diet I mean like really really low and my hair got all like straw and my skin was super dry and it was really weird because you know like if those things happen to you when you're older well maybe you just old but you know when you're in your early twenties if your hair starts being like straw well that's you know something you're not getting
So I don't think much of low-fat we should not extremely low fat but I don't know that there's any need to get like excessive quantities of fat I mean like a lot of the stuff that I like is like non-fat cottage cheese like I don't like full fat cottage cheese I don't like the the way it is the way it tastes the texture I only like the nonfat and yogurt I mean I guess I like full fat yogurt just fine but I don't prefer it to non-fat yogurt you know what I mean and plain yogurt you know I mean like I might get vanilla every once in awhile but generally I would get plain and for the last I don't know five years at least I've been mostly eating the Greek yogurt the non-fat Greek yogurt although I did really like the skyr
And that buffalo water buffalo milk yogurt from I think it was from Brazil or someplace I mean it wasn't local but it was tasty and had weird that one had weird flavors and I don't normally get flavored yogurt but that one had like passion fruit and it was like water buffalo milk yogurt with passion fruit I mean come on
Come on
How was I walking away from that

I kept having all these stories come into my head today that I was going to tell you about they were not good stories you know by which I don't mean that they weren't good stories I mean they were sad or depressing or unpleasant in some way and now I can't remember what any of them were so I guess you're not going to get them He's not right now I'm sure they'll come back up

Anyway I hope you had a good day
It's Passover
I just kind of flaked on Passover this year
Sorry about that

Good night sweetheart
I love you very much 💋