Saturday, March 20, 2021

I didn't even take melatonin
And I had a very hard time waking up
And you think I wouldn't because I had not very good dreams
I dreamed about my father
And Deborah
And I was sort of grown
But then I sort of wasn't
I'm not sure how to explain that but
They were three cars
And I was re-parking some of them
Cuz there was some kind of rule about how they had to be parked
So I must have at least been old enough to park cars
And my father was listening to some new musician who in the dream I think I had heard of but now I can't remember who it was and I don't remember if it was a real singer-songwriter or if it was somebody who was just in the dream

And I was talking to him and I was saying I hate her I hate her so much
And we were going on some kind of drive or trip or something
and he put this giant teddy bear in the back seat with me

But then there was something about bullfighting too and I don't think it was that same dream

And there was this guy who parachuted into a campground it was like a remote campground but he didn't exactly parachute he had this little tiny balloon but it wasn't like a regular balloon it was some kind of special like still thing
And then they started walking around and showing him all the
like Gilligan's Island type stuff they had set up at the camp site Thai shops and stuff
All made out of bamboo

It was a weird night