Monday, March 22, 2021

Okay so I got to go to sleep
And I start my egg diet thing tomorrow
I'm all set up for it I've got all the eggs in the butter and the cheese and whatever
But I just had a realization

I'm not going to be able to have soy milk with my coffee which means I will either need to drink the coffee black which I do not typically do I mean no I I don't drink black coffee unless it's coffee I just made in a French press and then it's got all the oils and whatever and then I'm only probably having a small cup of it
If I'm drinking like a big cup of coffee and I've been lately taking the coffee with me to the studio just like I used to take coffee with me to work and then drinking it as it cools well I mean by the time I'm leaving it's already pretty cool usually and then I'm just drinking it cold well I'm not going to drink black coffee cold I have had coffee without cream in it before I occasionally go through a phase where that's what I want but I usually have to add a lot of sugar to it

and yeah yeah I know if you like coffee you shouldn't have to add anything to it but that's just not true I love coffee
But I only enjoy it black under certain circumstances
And yeah I could make French press coffee I have a French press have coffee have a grinder I could do that but I don't think I'm going to
And if I drink the coffee with soy milk in it that defeats the whole purpose and I may as well not do the egg diet
So I think what that probably means is then in addition to just eating eggs and butter and cheese for 3 days and also going to be drinking tea with probably some Shilajit in it to make it a little more bitter and to add extra minerals and stuff
If I make a pu ehr tea
Which I still have some of
and I put the Shilajit in it
Then what I come up with is very similar in flavor profile to coffee but I can drink it without any cream or anything in it but it has a lot less caffeine
And then I don't get the health benefits of the soy milk I'm very surprised that I didn't think about that before
Like not ever having planned through this is a major slipping
I'll check the carbs but the amount that I use I'm sure has more carbs and if I don't use the right amount then it's not going to be worth doing

Anyway whatever that's very weird

I hope it was clear from what I said before that the reason I was crying was from like a welling up of emotion from the idea that I wasn't going to die from covid maybe
and not that I was like scared or freaked out about getting the shot because I'm not
I'm like overwhelmed with a sense of relief
And I think that was clear but sometimes I'm not sure how much sense I make to other people and when it occurs to me that there's another way that what I said could be taken I tend to want to check in

actually I do spend a fair amount of time trying to think of all the different ways that things I say could be taken but I can't always think of all the different ways things could be taken by other people
Sometimes I'm overwhelmed enough with my own perspective that I don't see that there's another way I could go
And I do tend to look upon that as a failure on my part although I have come to realize that that isn't the way that most people seem to operate at all and I try not to hold other people accountable for that same level of whatever you call that freakiness
and I don't I don't hold other people to that same level of freakiness but I do occasionally have a hard time believing the degree to which other people do not seem to be able to see anything but their own perspective like at all

Like my mom
She trips me out
And I don't think I told you this
But she had apparently applied
See initially she was called to get vaccinated and I think that that was because she had been released from the hospital not that long before it was I guess a few months before but I think the reason she was contacted was because she had been released from the hospital and she had had you know heart condition and she was old but generally I don't think they just had a list of all the old people and they were calling them set up appointments so when she canceled that appointment she hasn't subsequently been contacted
and Vicki's been trying to explain to her that they aren't just going to get vaccines at her doctor but she's been very resistant to accepting that fact

And she hasn't wanted to get vaccinated
but for some reason that I haven't been able to figure out what it is maybe it's because she's seeing all these other people get vaccinated and not have a problem maybe because it's because it's been long enough I don't know
But apparently Thursday she went on the website and signed up to get on the waiting list and I'm not sure if it was the county or the city she tried to do both and she could only make one work or something and who even knows if she did it right I don't know
but apparently she had signed up on Thursday and I got my email and text on Friday saying to contact them or to go to follow the link whatever to to set my appointment which I did
but I didn't do it instantly while I was at the studio because I wanted to look up where the places were and it was just kind of hard to do that on my phone because you know switching back and forth between the email and the Google and whatever I mean I could have done it if it was like super critical but it would have been the pain in the ass to do on my phone so I just thought since you know I was pretty close to going home anyway I would just do it once I got home because I didn't want to just sign up saying oh yeah I'll go to XYZ place that I had no idea where it was you know and then be stuck going to some crazy place and they were only three options

One was out in Cypress which is about 25 mi away and is somewhere roughly over by where I used to drive for work for the Copperfield store

One was out in I can't remember now wimberly Waller some small town that's like 50 miles away so you know that's too too far

And then the third one was out like I said by NASA

And I would have gone for the one in Cypress just because it's a little bit closer maybe but by the time I did that they did not have any more openings

so then it became apparent that there was only really one option and they had multiple days that I could pick and I decided that Saturday would be a more convenient day to be driving

But my point of this was my mother signed up on Thursday and she was really miffed that they contacted me before her but I had signed up on like Sunday or Monday I think it was Monday pretty early in the day like you know 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning maybe it was as late as 9:30 or something but it wasn't you know like in the afternoon it was in the morning

and you know I didn't expect to be contacted for weeks and weeks or maybe months right I mean I didn't know but I figured you know if you don't sign up you're not going to get contacted and so I went ahead and signed up but I never expected that in less than a week I would have an appointment and that it would be for just like another week you know so like sign up and within 2 weeks you've got your first shot I mean I did not anticipate that

and I'm not saying although I set it up this way but I'm not saying that that's an example of how she can't see other people's perspective but

It just kind of illustrates something about her perspective and how she sees the world I mean it's like she didn't want one she had an appointment she canceled it she didn't sign up on the wait list but now when she signs up on the wait list she's supposed to get like a 24-hour turnaround just doesn't seem like a very realistic view of the world to me

and when she was going to cancel it I'm like are you sure you really want to do that because you know where they going to give you another option and she's like well of course they will and I'm like okay well but still

but if she doesn't get any kind of a response back soon I may need to go through it with her and just make sure she did it right because from her description I'm not 100% sure that she did she hadn't gotten any kind of a confirmation email that she had signed up which if she just signed up with the city she wouldn't get cuz they didn't send one

At least they didn't send me one
But the county
I got to say the county has seemed as though it's more on top of all this stuff than the city has been
I mean Lena Hidalgo has sent me emergency messages on my phone
which normally is just child abduction I mean I get child abduction warnings on my phone all the time you know child abduction white van child abduction blue pickup child abduction you know whatever and if a child was abducted in San Antonio or Dallas and all I know is that it's a white van or a blue truck I mean even if they drove through Houston what's the likelihood that I would know you know I mean I just don't understand why they send me those notifications

Do other states do that
Do you get child abduction notifications that set off loud alarms on your phone that wake you up in the middle of the night if you don't turn down the sound on your phone

I don't know but she sent out alerts on my phone saying you know covered is super high stay home whatever where I'm ask you know multiple times
And I didn't need those notifications but somehow made me feel better that I got them

and now I don't really want to drive out to Webster but especially since there's a city vaccination site that's at the NRG stadium which is apparently on the property of the Astrodome which isn't called the Astrodome anymore it's called like reliance stadium but that's not the same thing as NRG stadium because they built a new stadium for the football team and the reliance stadium is just for the rodeo or something I don't really understand so probably that isn't really that exciting but it's a lot closer to me and the city is doing drive-thru vaccinations there

And then supposedly HEB and CVS is going to start doing them imminently
All of that would be more convenient than driving to Webster
But at the same time it's like I feel as though I'm almost happier to be doing that because it's through the county and I have more faith in her than I have in anybody else in the state
I mean I still like the mayor I'm not trying to dis on the mayor but Lena Hidalgo is just more on top of things

And it's really funny because she was elected in the blue wave in 2018 that was partially because people were really unhappy about Trump but then it was also partially like that Beto got people all kind of riled up
And so a lot of people voted straight democratic ticket
which is not legal anymore did you know that in Texas they've made that illegal You can't vote straight ticket I couldn't vote straight ticket in the last election I had to go through and punch every single Democrat well okay you don't punch him anymore it's a dial and button but I still think of it as punching
but for that election a lot of people voted straight party ticket and that's I think largely how she got elected because whoever was in that position before was pretty popular and had been it for a really long time and I believe that that person and there was like one judge she was a kind of a liberal Republican judge or something that people were saying oh it was really a shame that all this straight party voting had ended there impressive careers I can't remember the name of the maybe it was just that one cuz that is a judge position so maybe it was just him

But whatever
I hope that you're doing well
and you haven't mentioned anything about being vaccinated so I assume you haven't been yet
But hopefully you will be soon
And I'm not sure that being vaccinated makes us you know 100% free and clear to do whatever we want I think we still have to wear masks and we still have to be careful
And there are variants and blah blah I know
But I think after I've gotten all my vaccinations and it's been long enough that everything has taken effect I think I might go to a restaurant
Not like oh I'm going to resume all of my regular behaviors and whatever but I think I might just go out to eat once
Maybe not
But I really really really
If it's safe
I really miss it

It's been a full year I mean the last time I went to a restaurant was the day before St Patrick's Day of 2020 I think they were going to shut everything down and I went to Beck's which is my little local neighborhood restaurant

and I mean previously I had had a Mexican restaurant that I went to pretty regularly as my little local restaurant but the it was a chain it wasn't like a little mom and pop thing it was a chain too The this area where I live it doesn't have a lot of little mom and pop places it's mostly chains unfortunately
But there was a Mexican restaurant that I would go to pretty frequently and they had I guess maybe their business had dropped off or something and in their restaurant group they had another Mexican restaurant that was supposed to be like a more seafood oriented restaurant which sounds like it would be more popular but I went there and their menu was just really strange

I mean there's a restaurant I used to go to years ago it's been closed for a while it was called I think it was called jalapeรฑos and it was like coastal Mexican restaurant and it had I mean a lot of fish it was mostly fish and it wasn't I mean it wasn't Yucatan where everything's all cooked in leaves and whatever and I'm not even sure that it was like a specifically regional Mexican food exactly I mean I'm not certain that it was like oh this is Mexican food from you know it might have been kind of like we're just taking recipes that we like from various different coastal regions I don't know and it might not have even been all that authentic but it was really good and they had a brunch that they would do on Sundays and I used to love to go to brunch I haven't been to branch in I mean years I think
But I used to go to brunch at that place and they had they had really good seafood really fresh they would do a oh my god maybe I am getting senile I can't think of what it's called
It's a bunch of raw seafood in basically an acid you know like tomato and lime
That's really worrying me that I can't think what that's called
Any whatever anyway whatever it'll come to me and they would have these really good spinach enchiladas with the creamy sauce and other stuff which sadly I can't remember specifically That's just terrible but it did vary it wasn't the same thing all the time and it has been probably 15 years since I've been there maybe more
and then pappadeaux is used to do a nice brunch

Oh and there was this place called Los alamidos
That was in I mean since spring branch but by memorial not far into spring Branch it was very easy to get to so it was right on the feeder but it was actually a really old really beautiful building where the really high ceilings and I kind of looked out over this wooded area it was really really nice and they had this amazing cream of poblano soup and I don't remember what else they had but it was really good

And then for a while there wasn't any place I mean I'm sure there were places that had brunches and I tried a few of them but you know they weren't they were really that good or they would be places that would be just too far away or inconvenient or you know they had a brunch menu but it wasn't a brunch buffet and what I like about brunch is you go and you get like a little bit of this and a little bit of that and a little bit of this other thing and you try a bunch of things from that restaurant and then you learn things that you like from there but also you know you get to try a bunch of things and when you go to a place that has a brunch menu you don't get that

You can order stuff and it's probably good stuff but I mean it's essentially just you know fancy breakfast or something
And the last however long 10 years I guess I haven't gone to brunch a lot but there's that Texas place they are always very crowded and also I guess you know when I wasn't eating meat then that kind of limited the places that would make sense to go for brunch anyway because a place that's like going to be based off of meat well you know you're not really going to get enough menu items to make it really work the way I need brunch to work for me you know
so that place was brunch and it was good and it had you know really nice oatmeal and it had those really nice sticky buns and it had like an omelette bar and whatever so there was plenty of things to get but it's still just kind of like fancy breakfast so you know that's not something I was going to do a whole lot

I don't know
not saying I want everything to go back the way it was before the pandemic
And I really don't think that we're going to be in a situation where we can ever really go back
I suspect covid is going to become like the flu

Not because it will be no big deal but because in the same way that you can get the flu every year you can get covid every year
and they'll be new strains they need to vaccinate you for and blah blah blah but since it's so much more deadly than the flu I suspect that mask wearing and social distancing are going to become much more common traits

it was reported the other day that there was an active shooter at the galleria but it turned out that that wasn't exactly what happened there wasn't an active shooter there was some sort of a fight but I'm not certain that there was a gun involved but people thought there was a gun involved and they showed video and there were a f*** ton of people shopping in the mall like young people those people have an all been vaccinated none of those people have been vaccinated

And the store that was being videoed the girl who was working there she was like kicking everybody out I mean like she thought there was a dangerous situation so she was making everybody leave the store
which might even be their security policy I mean like if there's a problem making everybody leave certainly decreases the likelihood that you'll be robbed or that something bad will happen in the store but I mean if you're shopping in the store and all of a sudden they're kicking you out into the area where there's something going on that may be dangerous that seems kind of s***** but there were a bunch of people in this tiny little store and none of them were wearing masks none of them and now I saw some kind of thing that for spring break they've had to put in some kind of curfew in Florida and it's just like it's not over

That guy that I worked with that follows me on Instagram he's posted several things about going to comedy shows it's like well I doubt those are socially distanced maybe they're all wearing masks but I just don't know
I'm a little concerned
That people may be acting like it's all over when it is not all over
And they're talking about sending kids back to school which okay you know I get it
but I don't believe that they're doing any upgrading to the air filtration systems and now they're saying oh yeah they only need to be 3 ft apart if they're kids
And I mean I know that Biden wants all the teachers to be vaccinated and that's great and I know that we're assuming that all the grandmas and grandpas have been vaccinated now I don't know that that's accurate but we're assuming that

But it's like you know these are the same schools American schools that you know basically thought it was totally acceptable for there to be one or two school shootings a month in the country
like that's just not something that we should concern ourselves with it's too much trouble nothing we could do
Now I'm not specifically talking about Texas in that case I'm talking about the whole country
But you know if before the pandemic there wasn't really a whole lot of effort made to keep kids safe why should we now assume that they're going to be safe when we'll be back to the whole school shooting situation and also pandemic
So like if your kid makes it home from school you hope they don't give you the covid

Plus I know that they're saying oh well kids don't get it so bad and they're less likely to have serious case but I'm just not so sure about I mean I think that is probably true that they're less likely at least that seems to be true
But I know earlier on in the pandemic I heard a study or wasn't like a lab study double blind or whatever but it was a like a report that had been done about the medical condition of kids that had had covid
And a large percentage of them had ground glass scarification in their lungs or you know one of several other things that seem to me like they were likely to cause a long-term degradation in their health even though they hadn't had like a crisis they hadn't had to be intubated I didn't think that it seemed like it was a fair assessment of the situation to say that they were fine

Now not everything that I read during that period of time has seemed to continue to be true you know I mean there's been a lot of information and some of it's been of questionable truth
Or hasn't panned out necessarily
But I'm just very very dubious about the whole let's just send all the kids back to school before we've got this completely under control I mean I don't understand I mean okay I guess what they are thinking is that you have to have both parents working You can't have one person staying home with the kids and one person working that isn't enough to keep everybody going You've got to get everybody back in the workforce you've got to get the economy moving whatever
But that sounds an awful lot like what Trump was saying to me am I wrong about that
I mean maybe we're going to have everybody vaccinated before the fall maybe everything will be fine

and I'm sure that some states will do a better job than others but since I live in a state where they've said open it all the f*** back up and even though 75% of Texans say they want masks then you see somebody filmed in a mall that's you know maybe not full of people but you know Fuller than it's been the last few times I went to the mall before the pandemic I mean people are stir crazy they want to go out they want to do things so you go to the mall that's just like baked into your DNA right you go to the mall
but then they show you footage and those people aren't wearing masks well you know

I just feel like a lot of people have pandemic fatigue and since everything is open back up they're all like it's just over and so they're going back to business as usual but it's still I mean I haven't looked it up recently but the last figure I saw said you know 17%, and that's not a low figure that's not the amount that we had said it was safe to be open you know

So I don't know I've blathered on a lot
I have no particular reason to think that you think any of this is particularly interesting
But I felt bad that I hadn't said anything and so then I got started talking and I guess maybe I wanted to talk
Even if it wasn't all that interesting you know

Are you going to send her to school in the fall
Are you going to feel safe doing that
I mean maybe I'm just extremely paranoid
Maybe it's perfectly safe
But I just don't feel like it is

I mean I'm not saying it's not important for kids to be in school I'm just saying I think they should be vaccinated first so that they don't run the risk of that big hot bed of illness that school usually is

Anyway I'm going to go to sleep now I've been talking for I don't know like an hour again

I love you very much sweetheart
Sleep well ๐Ÿ’‹