Thursday, December 1, 2022

Well yay for sickness I guess


The Whataburger wasn't such a good idea
I mean I didn't eat any french fries or anything I've stopped eating french fries with my hamburgers well that okay I don't want to say in an absolute sense I've stopped eating french fries because I like french fries and I'm sure I'll eat french fries again

But would I order a DoorDash I just ordered a hamburger or sometimes I order two hamburgers but I don't order any french fries or drinks

I'm having a little intestinal distress now
But not much it's it's mostly fine

I feel like
I want soup with a bunch of garlic and ginger
And then also Mexican pastries

I don't see how Mexican pastries could be beneficial to me in any way

My head hurts
And I have a history
Of once I get sick I don't get well very fast That's always been the case
But I always kind of assumed that was because I didn't take time off and rest and recuperate I just kept working
But I'm not now I've been doing nothing
Just laying around or sitting around
Taking medicine

Course there's some sort of front that just came through again
Apparently while I was not leaving the house
Yesterday it got up to like 87°
And now it's like 40 or 50° again

So imagine that the migraine I've got is a result of sinus pressure from the front
Although I can get that from hormone imbalance so let me take another one of those estrogen topper upper things

I don't think I have anything seriously bad I think it's just oh it could be that kid thing RSV is that what it's called

I'm grateful that I'm not afraid that I'm going to die or whatever
I'm not afraid that I have bad COVID or something and I'm just
I mean it could be so much worse
So don't get me wrong I'm glad about all that but I just feel terrible and I'm ready did not feel terrible anymore and you might say well didn't you feel terrible when you weren't sick

And I mean yes that's not entirely untrue but now I feel sick and that seems worse
Cuz I'm just trying not to cough because it hurts

And my back and my shoulders and my chest are all sore and I'm just exhausted from coffee

No don't get me wrong The two times that I've had that really bad flu or worse
The first time I was coughing so hard I was waking myself up and I couldn't get any sleep and they gave me the codeine cough syrup

At the last time they gave me $800 mg ibuprofen which I was very nervous about taking
Because that's for each dose more than what the package says it's safe to take in a day
And they were telling me to take that three times a day

So I did it I took it two times a day
But I pretty much had to take it because the pain was so bad I couldn't take it
And maybe that was just because I had so much going on with me and I just couldn't you know man up and take it

Cuz sickness does something to you or you just don't have the energy to deal with things
In a way that's slightly different from with depression makes you unable to deal with things we had I really don't like the pressure in my eye

Anyway whatever I mean baby I'm supposed to feel well already and I'm just a big baby but I don't feel like that at all

I know my mother always has a tendency to feel like I'm faking or making a bigger deal out of things because you know I don't know it's a way that she is

but although she keeps texting me every couple of days saying you know basically are you still sick
She has offered to pick up something and drop it off of my door if I need it
And she has said just rest and get better

So I guess the social norms have changed some or I don't know

I wonder what kind of soup I could get that was all garlic and gingery

I know there should be in addition to wonton soup and whatnot
You should also be a pretty big assortment of pho

But I don't remember that being particularly gingery or garlicky what calls to my mind when I think a pho is a bunch of mint and whatnot