Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Well I don't know about the sense of smell
I still can't smell the things with strong smells but several times I've thought I could smell things that weren't strong smells so maybe it depends on the kind of smell I don't know

I watched all the election pregame
Post game
What not
And I got to say I like MSNBC

I like the way they work people kind of back and forth on panels and

I really enjoy or have enjoyed in the past and continue to enjoy The combination of Rachel maddow Joy Reid and Nicole Wallace I really like the way they each kind of bring a different perspective and skill set and they know and like each other and I feel like it's a lively conversation you know that is
Really great
But then they added in Alex Wagner
And I mean Alex Wagner I know from the circus and she's amazing I love her
She again is very intelligent and has a different skill set and a different perspective on things but she has a very definite opinion you know

So then when she's added into that mix it just is like exponentially improved for me and that guy down at the end who I know I know his name but I can't remember it 
He is just really perfect
I mean I really like Chris Hayes I think he has some very like I don't know almost like inspired metal level like concept thoughts
And he's so earnest
I really like him

And at first I thought man I wish that he was on with this other group but then I thought about it and you know this guy whose name I can't remember That's going to bother me I'm going to have to look that up he is really good

He is very polite
He's very professional
He's not going to brush up against any rough edges He's not going to steal any of the women's thunder He's not going to mansplain anything to them you know He's able to fit very easily into that environment
Don't let me forget I want to make a connection to that thought
But he is quite insightful

On election night he said something and I wish I could remember what he said and they all just kind of turned on him were like oh it's way too early to say that or something but he turned out to be absolutely right and at the end of the evening they were saying you know that he was you know brilliant and all that kind of stuff

So anyway he's also older and so he has the ability to personally reference things that happened that they can't

Anyway that is my favorite combination

And then my second favorite combination is when they had Chris Hayes with Michael Steele and jinsake and ooh what is her last name Sonya I don't know I don't know Sonya's last name I can't remember

Cuz Jin sake That's not how you spell her name but I don't want to look up how you spell her name so you know I'm talking about

I mean she was fine as press secretary I liked her just fine in that role I guess but I like her a lot better as a talking head

So about that thing that I was not supposed to forget it relates to Sonya

So I don't watch MSNBC very much I only watch it when there's you know news

So I'd really know the weekend crew
Until I was watching the last election results and it went on for a while so you know the bee crew came into work
And Allie velshe is on the b crew
That's not how you spell his name either
But I've seen Alley valshy interact with the a crew

and the a crew I really enjoy their interactions their chemistry's great they build on each other like I said it's like a a better conversation because of all the different perspectives and whatnot

And I've seen Allie velshey interact with the a crew and he's great he fits right in

And Sonya interacts with the a crew quite a bit

But you know how in broadcast news
There's the people who are the real news people and then there are the people who are presenters basically
Who don't necessarily understand all the finer ramifications
Well I get that kind of sense that there's maybe like a couple of people and I'm not 100% sure who who are presenting
Or they're on a level of presenting
So then nobody can kind of play off of anybody else because they're not all on the same level

And even Sonya and Allie velchi are really not very good on it because the whole chemistry and skill levels and all that stuff I mean it's like they I don't know and it might actually I don't know I've seen people who I know are good

Who just did not look very good on that show and I feel like it's the stuff I said before but it occurred to be that it could actually be something to do with the producer as well

I mean maybe they don't want those people to try I don't know sometimes I feel like they are trying though I don't know and I haven't really I mean I say sometimes I feel like I've watched them like you know two or three times but
In fairness
If what you are is a news presenter
And then you're doing the election
Well there isn't a whole lot of news to present
And election coverage I mean
It's really better if you have people doing it who have some you know like political experience

And I mean maybe they don't really yet I don't know

But I really enjoyed that