Thursday, December 8, 2022

I don't know what to tell you about today
I'm not really sure what I did today
I watched YouTube
I'm trying to get a handle on the world

I've just realized that I don't know

I'm trying to figure out where I fit into the world in a variety of ways

But I for some reason I feel like I need to know what's going on with the fashion
I always kind of liked to keep up with the fashion
So I've been watching all these different people

And I don't I don't know these people there's an Australian one or maybe she's New Zealand I'm not 100% sure I think she's Australian and she has a lot of videos that look like I'm going to like them but I don't I don't like her
I mean whatever she's perfectly likable but she's not producing the information that I want

And that's a problem because I don't really know exactly what the information I want is

So then I said well you know let me just go and watch shows from designers that I have some sort of feeling for
You know I watched their collections before
Let me see what their take on the current world is

And it's grittier and more dystopian than I thought

I guess one of the trends that I've been paying more attention to than some of the other ones is the dopamine dressing

That seems to have much smaller place overall than I thought

I still don't think I have a hat that I like
But I got a purse
And God knows I don't need more purses
And I got a pair of shoes

And I may get another pair of shoes

The purse I got
I have a small crossbody that I wear that I really really like even better than the Dooney & Bourke one that I had that I used for so long and that I still have and would use again but this one is Even smaller somehow with more organization it's just awesome and I've been using it for a few months and I'm going to continue to use that

But I've been wanting
Or maybe I haven't maybe I just got a wild hair I don't know but it combines a variety of things

So this dopamine dressing it involves bright colors like up to an including neon right
So I've been wanting to get a purse that is pink or yellow or like a bright bright color

And this isn't like a departure for me I've had bright colored purses or patterned purses before it's like a thing
And why to k is also a thing
And the thing that I wanted to get in the early 2000s that I never got because I never found exactly the right one except maybe once or twice and it was just too expensive at those particular times so it's like you know I'm not going to spend that much money for a fancy purse

Well I never saw this purse
But it is pink well it's like a pinky violet color I don't know exactly what color it is cuz I haven't seen it in person yet
And it has this design kind of
Quilted / embroidered on the front of it
It's a bunch of birds
So I figure that's a nod to fashion with the color it's a nod to fashion with the quilting which quilting is pretty popular although more like regular geometric quilting
And then it's got some tassels on the side
It's got the shoulder straps but it's missing
The "long strap"
So maybe it could be worn crossbody That's kind of an exciting idea maybe I have a strap that can be used or maybe I can figure something out that will allow me to add in another element

And then
I got some shoes
And I may end up getting several pairs of those shoes because I found some really good ones and they say they're used but they don't have any wear on the treads they don't have any discolorations in the insides I mean they seem like shoes that really haven't been worn and I found
I didn't buy but I may still buy some really nice looking burgundy Clark's loafers
They're extra wide and they're really good price
And I believe there's something I could wear if I needed to look professional
I don't think they're extremely casual looking loafers

I found some shoes that are kind of a funky wedge
I wasn't familiar with the brand so I looked them up and where it took me to was in Nordstrom and they're like 150 $200 pairs of shoes but they're comfort shoes

And you know I have to have shoes that are comfortable I can't even longer wear fashionable shoes that aren't comfortable

The clogs that I have I really like them and they're great for you know general use
But what I found is that over time they really aren't good for walking and they really aren't good for standing so they really aren't that useful to me I really like them and they're great you know if you're going to the grocery store or if you're running errands or you're doing something where you're not doing like a lot of walking or a lot of standing
But they're not good work shoes

And I got these tennis shoes that I've been wearing well they're not really tennis shoes they're MBT running shoes those are the ones that have that maasai barefoot technology or whatever it is that it's a a slight rocker action and some of their shoes have like a very noticeable rocker action but most of their runners well I don't know if most of their runners don't but these don't and I really really like them I got them on eBay for a good price and you know I mean they're not new and they're not going to last me as long as a new pair would last me but I didn't want to go out shoe shopping and I didn't want to spend $200 $250 you know and so I found some there in great shape they were a really good price and I love them but I can't wear them every single day or they become uncomfortable as well

And I love the look of them there like soft gray with some pink on them I love them and I can wear them to work in and whatever but they're also lace up and they you know are that athletic shoe style right

So I'm like well you know and I have a couple other pairs of tennis shoes of various sorts but I wanted something that was a little bit different than that

And I kept going back and forth and back and forth you know there are these wedge shoes well how comfortable will they be to work in well I don't know they're supposed to be comfort shoes but don't know and
Loafers I mean I think they will be comfortable but I don't think they will be comfortable to work in I think those would be more like you know if I was trying to look nice and just general use comfort but not you know for working standing walking

And then there were several other kind of
Mary Jane style walking shoes semi athletic

And I'm like well you know I'm pretty sure those will be comfortable they're meant for walking they're probably good for standing also although that isn't necessarily true sometimes a shoe will be good for walking but it won't be so good for standing and vice versa

So the ones I ended up getting
They're Merrill's
There used to be the store in the galleria that was right next to where the Starbucks was that I trained at and maybe that's how I found out it was there or maybe I knew about it before

It was called The walking store and it had a whole bunch of shoes that were like you know performance walking shoes
And meryls are walking/hiking shoes

They are not as expensive as some of the other brands
You know the mephistos were like $250
But the meryls were like $89 or $99 or $100 or maybe like $115
Course this is a long time ago so perhaps they've gone up I have not priced them in the last probably 10 years easily

But I probably owned at least three pairs of merrills that I wore you know every day are almost every day for a year and they were great shoes no complaints at all

And these are a color called burnt henna which I think will go perfectly with my dress
And they have kind of a patchwork key pattern on them but all the same color so it's really just kind of peace work of pieces of leather of that color and

I don't know I just thought
I could really use a more professional shoe in case I need to go on a job interview or a sales call or I don't know anything

I do not actually currently own any shoes that I think would work for that I would just have to wear something that would be slightly inappropriate
Or I would have to buy something at the time

Being able to go for a hike seems like a more reasonable expenditure
And I was also more excited about the hiking shoes then I was about the cute shoes
Actually I think the hiking shoes are cute