Friday, December 2, 2022

I lost my sense of smell
It's freaky as shit
Super strong tea tree
The stuff I've been putting on my face before I take a shower
It normally makes my eyes start to water just a little bit cuz I mean I don't put it on my eyelids but you know my cheeks aren't that far from my eyes My nose isn't that far from my eyes

I can't smell it at all
My stinky deodorant that I've been keeping around so that I can smell it and see if I have a sense of smell to make sure I don't have COVID

I can't smell it at all like nothing just nothing
I still have my sense of taste though
And that doesn't even seem as diminished as it often is with a regular cold
Normally if you have no sense of smell you have very little sense of taste
But that doesn't seem diminished at all

I mean maybe it is
But it certainly doesn't seem to be
but I'm testing negative for COVID