Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Well I got up early
I went and did errands
Bought some extra water and stuff
Because the temperature's going to get down really low tomorrow night and who knows if I'll  lose power or whatever

And then I went to Katz's
The new one that's a couple blocks for me
And it's really pretty
I've only ever been in that one so I didn't really know what to expect another one to look like

But this one is it's bright it's high ceiling it's got kind of a almost Kelly Green upholstery on the booths
It's got white subway tile on the walls
But then it's also got some like tray ceiling or something I think that's what you call it in kind of an oval one though not oval rounded cornered rectangle and I don't know it's
It's got a little bit of a '70s vibe
It reminds me a little bit of bennigan's
I had latkes
With my omelet
And bagel and cream cheese

They were trying out some new margarita recipe so they came around and gave me a sample of margarita which was really cool

But anyway I got home
And I was just so exhausted
I went to lay down and fell asleep

My brother is supposed to be coming into town
And he's supposed to text me
So I can meet his wife and kid
And I'm kind of nervous about all that
Plus I don't really like the waiting around for him to text me and then we've got to figure something out

Plus there's all this freeze coming and whatnot and I'm just
Like stressed

I still have a terrible cough
And I'm not really taking anything to suppress it
So it's just periodic wholesale coughing

I'm late adopter
Not always sometimes I'm an early adopter
Actually often I'm an early adopter
But for leggings I'm a late adopter
Like a scraggler
But I got some leggings
From that parade where I got the bras
They're slightly thicker than tights but they're much thinner than pants
And they were like 75% off so they're like $10

And I wore those under the dress
Plus I wore the flouncy skirt
And I like the flouncy skirt because it makes the dress a little less form fitting to the lower half of my body
But then I don't really think I need it
And I have mixed feelings about the outcome of the flounce
Like maybe I like it better without the flounce

But I do like the dress it's super comfortable

But I don't necessarily feel very good
Just super exhausted

But Katz's has a happy hour
From 3:00 to 6:00 drinks or half price
And I'm certain I could walk there from my house
So I don't know I may start going to Katz's for drinks
Or I may just drink at home alone
Or what I usually do
Not drink at all

But they do have some interesting looking drinks