Wednesday, December 7, 2022

I'm really kind of looking forward to this wool and a hundred day dress challenge situation

And I think before I made it sound like they give you $100 bill which is not in fact the case what they do is they give you $100 off on your next dress that you buy so they're basically giving you another dress for like $30

It's not so much that you just wear the same exact thing everyday for 100 days
I mean I guess you can
But my thinking is you know how many different ways can you do this one item of clothing

I guess I'm exploring new ideas

I never wear jeans I mean I haven't for a very very long time nor do I really wear t-shirts it's just not kind of what I do
But then I saw these jeans that I really liked
They're like a knit gene
You just pull them on
And I wore those all summer
Jeans and t-shirts

And it was great and I loved it

And I've also kind of experimented with layering things and whatnot

The idea of posting a picture of myself on social media every day
Outfit of the day as it were
It's a challenge
It's not something I would do normally
But I'll be interested to see how I respond to it

It's an experiment
And then it's a creativity experiment to make it be different you know
But also
It is a different type of clothing then I'm used to seeing myself in
When I was younger
I wore dresses
But they don't feel right
I mean they didn't feel right
I mean at some point they were fine and then at some point they didn't feel right and now I'm not sure

But for the past few years
When I'm at home
I mostly
I'm wearing one of these oversized modal t-shirts

Sometimes I wear them with boy shorts
Sometimes I wear them with a skirt
Sometimes I wear them with pants
But quite frequently I wear them with nothing at all
And this shirt it comes down I don't know

Not to my knee
But you know I'll throw a jacket over it and go get my mail or
Open the door to get a package
Or delivery
Stand in the doorway looking out assessing the weather

I figure you know I'm covered enough
If somebody sees me I'm not like
Breakin the law breakin the law

It's like the clothes version of the 20 second rule

Well so now I've gotten kind of used to walking around in basically a t-shirt dress

And I'm looking at myself in the full-length mirror

Which you know initially was a bit of a shocker

And you know it varies
Some days are better than others
But now when I stand in front of the mirror naked I'm like well you know my legs aren't that bad
I mean they're fat
But I actually

And it's like when I look at myself I go well you know I can see what's coming off
Like I don't know I have this sense of it as though it is reconfigured
So I can like
Almost see myself without it

I mean maybe all that working at my mom's and bending standing on my head and whatnot maybe that made my body think that you know maybe it needed to be clear and stuff out and so it was repositioning the fat I don't know

Anyway so I ordered that dress
And I managed to thrift a couple other pieces
Online thrifting
I found a skirt that I had really liked but did not buy
Even when it went on clearance I did not buy it

It's this maxi skirt except it's petite length maxi skirt so it won't be super maxi it'll just be super middy probably
And the color that I wanted
That I didn't buy cuz I'm like this is crazy talk I'm never going to wear that
Is not the color I got
I got the other color or one of the other colors that I thought was even more crazy
But hear me out
It's like this kind of tropical block print of flowers and something I don't know
And it's navy and coral

Now this kind of hot quarrely red color I've decided is one of my core colors
I've had multiple pieces of clothing across my lifespan that were this kind of color family and I really have liked most of them I think it's a color that looks good on me I don't look particularly good in red to my way of thinking

I've not been a big fan of pink
And I want to play off the kind of rusty ready brown color of the dress
The idea is
That's a color that's always really looked good on me
But that's a particularly nice color that manages to be kind of red without being you know red

But I am really interested to explore the whole kind of blending in interesting ways of red and orange and pink and purple and all those colors kind of together
But then also there's a 1970s kind of color combination that was a navy blue with kind of a rust that I always really liked so having the coral to play off the russet and then have the russet and the brown I mean I think it's going to be kind of exciting

And I got some pants that might be kind of like leggings
Straight pants
And I just haven't had any pants like that for a very long time
But I'm not going to do leggings because that's too thin
I mean
If I thought I could deal with tights maybe I would do that but I can in no way deal with tights

So these thin pants are
They're kind of compatible with the dress because their wool and viscose blend and they are fairly dark gray but I think that the gray and the russet will look really good together

And I started kind of imagining myself in this outfit because
When I was having the kind of visiony things before where I was trying to put myself together and see what I looked like I had you know these ideas for jackets and things right but I couldn't really tell what was underneath I wasn't seeing like you know oh it's a skirt and a shirt or you know a shell or a tank top or whatever right

And I think the orange pants outfit
Isn't incompatible with the long tunicky top
But I don't know how often I will want to wear a long tunaki top with wide leg pants

But I see lots of Eileen Fisher clothes combinations where they have long tunic length tops and thin pants
Now those models are pretty much uniformly thin

And then I found out that Eileen Fisher had a program where well I mean I guess I knew she had a program where she wanted you to send your old clothes back to them so they didn't go into landfills

And if they're damaged they take them apart and use them to make some kind of art or something or sometimes different items they come up with

But then they've got
All these clothes
And they're like you know they've been professionally cleaned and mended if they needed mending and they are ready to go to their new homes

And you know they're not as cheap as I often find things on eBay
Or Poshmark
Or Etsy
Depend upon what you're looking for
I don't know it was kind of fascinating they have all these clothes and there doesn't seem to be any way to sort by your size like

You know since each piece of clothing is from a different collection a different year different color whatever most of them they just have one sometimes they'll have you know two or three or four sizes of the same thing
But mostly each one is basically an individual item
So it's really inconvenient to look through all these hundreds of items to see what size they are

You should have a sorting tool so you could just tell it what sizes you were interested in and it could show you the you know five items

So I found several other dresses
And I guess I may or may not have told you
But in addition to these T-shirts which are a little worse from where
Like I don't mind to wear them to sleep in

But you know I'd kind of like something else
And what I kind of decided upon is this like long shimmy's top really shamise

Chemise top
I had it ordered it on clearance it was really cheap and I kind of liked the style and I kind of liked the color and it's one of those logo tops that you you layer them
Anyway didn't really work out that well for me as a layering top but I started wearing it around the house and it's you know little spaghetti straps and it's basically a slip or nightgown kind of thing right and it's got a chiffon flouncy thing well not flouncy but trim on the bottom
And I really enjoy wearing that
It isn't more comfortable than the T-shirt
But it feels a little more

So now I've been thinking
Slip dress
And I found a black one
It's in this viscose crepe that they have
And I've had items that were that visco scrape
I'm sorry viscose crepe
It is just a really nice fabric
It's like stretchy thin breathable but it's got a nice body to it somehow it's forgiving of your lumps and bumps it's just it's a really nice fabric

They're saying it's vintage
And that it's not in perfect condition
And they described the difficulty with the condition
And it may or may not be something that I necessarily want to wear out

There are a couple of pulls and there's a slightly lighter spot whatever that means under the arm

Well those might all be so unnoticeable that it could totally be worn out especially with a jacket or something over it

But I'm not really buying it for going out I'm really buying it for wearing around the house
And black is perfect because if I spill things on it it'll be less likely to show

No it's a slightly different slip style maybe

It doesn't have spaghetti straps that drop down and then like a pointy kind of neckline

It looks like the drop is much shorter so it doesn't expose a lot of chest
Will I like that as well
I'm uncertain
But it was calling my name