Sunday, March 2, 2014

reap the worldwind

yrain sat at the kitchen table looking out at the snow.  it was light and soft and ethereal.

as if finally deciding something after long deliberation she stood up and walked to the door.  she pushed the door;  she pulled the door;  it opened in.  outside a a brightly golden wheat field--  snow still visible in the windows.

she stepped outside.  the air was warm and she had to squint her eyes to see anything.  what she saw was a path through the wheat.  she wasn't sure where this was taking her, but she followed the path which wounds in out and around, like an old school labyrinth.

om mani padme hum
yrain whispered under her breath, through her breath, through the field, round and round until she rounded a corner and there it was.  there was a table with a chess board.

i never learned to play chess
a bunch of black birds swooped down and carried them away.

tune in tomorrow to find out weather

i have to get ready for bed

in progress