Wednesday, March 12, 2014

future decor

i dreamed two things that i can remember

the first part
we were old
like grandparents of many
and you were rearranging things
the pancake assembly machine
can go here
and another machine
something really cool
something quantum, maybe
something i think i had invented
but, i can't remember what it did
that can go over there
i think you were telling the grandkids
what it was like before we had those things
all about how i invented the one

the next one
i was working on a schematic
[do you know what that is]
i was setting merchandise according to a planned arrangement
all these people
who i knew in the dream
and seemed to be really impressed
that they had taken their time to come give feedback
this one who was kinda hot
started telling me
he had grave reservations with the way
i had designed this section here
and i'm like:
wait, i didn't design any of this
i'm just following a schematic
and then, suddenly
i wasn't in a store anymore
i was in a competition
or a reality show
or a graduate program
and the section he hadn't liked was my entry
i guess either the judges thought i did ok
or they took pity on me for not knowing the rules
it was only the other two
who went to grad jail
this virtual cage in the middle of the room

the guy candidate got a critique
and they thought his chaise
and empty champagne bottle
mostly empty caviar pots
told a story
so he was virtually manipulated visually
to look like he was busting out of jail
i was a little confused

i almost forgot
right before i woke up
i dreamed my mom was driving me somewhere
there was a big crack in the windshield
but she was ignoring that
and kept looking at something on the side window
please please please look at the road
we'll get all this figured out
but we have to live through this drive first
she just got mad and drove faster

this reminds me
one time my dad picked me up for a visit
after i went to live with my mom
i was about 12 or 13
he was drunk
he was driving in such a frightening manner
that i just closed my eyes
because i didn't want to see the crash coming
i was sure there would be one
and i wondered if i would be badly injured
but then
we got stopped by a cop
he looked at my dad's driver's license
saw it was his birthday
looked at me
and said:
ma'am, i'm gonna need you to drive him home
i can't do that, i said
and why NOT
i'm only 12, i don't know how to drive
OH, he says
well sir, he turns back to my dad
i need your word that you are going straight home
ABSOLUTELY, my father lies through his teeth
and the cop lets us go
he let us go
i thought i was safe for a minute
i do think we went somewhere where they served coffee

good times
not trying to freak you out