Sunday, December 1, 2024

I've been watching some Neil deGrass Tyson 
not the current show
I guess 
I think the episodes are from season two

I think
my brain is FULL 

I tried to take astronomy 
in college 
I MAY have told you this already

I have this weird thing
where I can't just memorize a formula
I have to at least KINDA understand where it
comes from, what it means

the prof turned out to be
sought after
for speaking or lecturing or something 
so the class was a revolving door
of grad students 

& I took long enough to 
figure out GRAVITY 
that I just dropped 
I really enjoyed
the book
I got to help me understand GRAVITY 

it was a book
written by Isaac Asimov 
for non-scientists

I gotta say, though
this whole
ELECTRON situation 

I don't remember anything about 
ELECTRON orbit distance
from highschool chemistry class

& THAT+the whole time traveling thing

I just think the world
is trippy

TRIPPIER than I even thought