Thursday, December 31, 2020

Well of course it occurred to me today
That it has to be a festival
Whatever the festival is that's like Mardi gras and Holi and whatever else all rolled into one
If there's land and a place
Like it's a community or whatever
then it has to be enough land that there can be a festival there or somewhere it has to be a festival
I don't know what time of year it is sometime that's a good time to be outside I guess
But that's just so obvious somehow
Also I need another word for religion
I mean don't get me wrong I want to religious status so there's no taxes and whatnot but I don't really want to call it
I mean I don't want to call it a lifestyle either I need something better than that

I got two emergency alerts on my phone today
One said the cove had virus was surging and not to go out or have a party to just stay at home
Which I was planning to do anyway
And the other one said it was flash flood warnings
they're supposed to be a cold front coming through and sometime between midnight and noon there are conditions that could lead to flooding in I mean it was like 15 or 20 counties it's like you know a big area
4 to 6 in of rain with more than 6 in occurring in isolated places that they aren't sure where oh wait no it wasn't between midnight and noon it was between 6:00 p.m. and noon but so far there's only been like a couple of little 5-minute periods when it rained so I don't know if it's really going to happen or if it's going to happen outside the window of what they're saying I mean it's certainly has been known to flood here I've just been extremely grateful that there hasn't been a lot of flooding You know during the quarantine
All those hurricanes and everything
Poor Louisiana I think they all hit Louisiana

Anyway so I don't know things might get weird here
Or it might all be fine
The fact that it's really not raining now nor has it really been raining all day makes me wonder if maybe they've got the timing a little bit off I also don't think it's gotten cold I certainly doesn't feel cold
although once this place warms up it's tends to stay warm for a while and once it gets cold tends to be hard to get it warm The insulation is not really very good so I don't really understand what that's all about I mean I guess it's good on the walls but it's bad at the doors and windows but there aren't a lot of windows I think that's the key it's really kind of like a cave
Which wouldn't be my first choice but it helps with the electricity bills quite a bit