Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Okay I had dinner and I completely recreated that avatar now I'm sure it isn't going to look the same to other people color-wise because there's a difference between the monitor of my computer and the screen of my phone so I made the match completely but the tones are going to be off because the monitors off
Between my laptop and my phone
So like on the computer the color of her lips and the color of her shirt and pants is the same color and that's a really pretty pumpkiny orange
But when I did it on my phone it's a much redder orange brighter harsher so I could change the clothes but I couldn't change the lipstick color so they don't match now
When you're picking colors on those wheels where you've got the white and the gray and the color I find that a very unsatisfactory way to pick colors
and I really thought there would be no way I could match him but of course I can match him cuz I can see but they don't match because I I don't know exactly what the difference in my monitor is and I don't have any way to adjust for that really

Anyway probably isn't really that important if the colors are exactly the same and then it seems as though there's no way to look at my avatar on the phone which makes me sad because I always like to look at my little avatars
I also had to do some computer work for the Etsy store

And what is fascinating to me is
I mean it's not like I haven't read stuff on Reddit
I research things all the time and sometimes there are feeds on Reddit that have pertinent information for things I'm looking up but I've never found it so super helpful that I said oh yeah I want to invest a lot of time in this thing
Kind of reminds me of what was that thing called back in like 2005 tribe something
Although not exactly
It also reminds me a lot of message boards from back before the world wide Web

Anyway I don't really know how to maximize it
I pretty much never read my Facebook feed
And I kind of come and go with the Twitter feed
Although I feel like Twitter is the one well no I like Instagram I like Instagram a lot I'd like it better if it weren't owned by Facebook but
Facebook live is great so they clearly have the ability to make good products

whatever anyway I'm not going to stay up late tonight I say that now but I'm hoping it's true because I'm going to try to get more sleep and get up earlier tomorrow

Anyway not going to bed quite yet
But hopefully in a couple hours
I love you