Sunday, December 20, 2020

So this is some exciting stuff that's happening in my life
Other than headaches
About two and a half weeks ago
I ordered a book a blank book from a person that I order blank books from
And the previous one I had ordered before that was from my mother for her birthday
And so I told this lady who I'm starting to think of as my friend I told her hey this one's for me you don't need to hurry there's no rush

And I guess maybe it's the law of attraction or something that when I throw stuff out there I just get a crazy amount of universal feedback

Because this thing is still not arrived she mailed it and she lives in I think the Northampton area of Massachusetts and it spent a week or almost a week at the Boston mail distribution center
And then it spent another week at the New Jersey distribution center
And now it's made it to Houston not the distribution not the local mail but the area distribution center so it'll probably be delivered on Tuesday but it might be delivered tomorrow but I don't think so
it's just weird because you know pretty much anything I've ordered to the mail has been coming in a timely manner but I said no rush on that one and so it has taken its time

And my phone this is another exciting thing that's happening to me my phone on my background wallpaper whatever you call it I have had a pretty generic geometric shape because when I tried putting in pictures it was too busy with the little icons on it but sometimes I guess yesterday evening it like lost the connection to the picture or whatever so the screen was just kind of glowing red and I didn't really put that together when I went to bed cuz I wasn't too coherent cuz I'd been kind of sleeping off and on in the chair but then I got up this afternoon and I was looking at it and it was just kind of freaking me out a little

So I started looking at the wallpaper pictures and I was like no I want to put one of my pictures and I looked all through and I found that little first collage thing that I did that wasn't even actually taped down to anything it was just sitting on the table and I'm like oh yeah that one I'll do that one
And then I realized that I could actually change the shape of the icons so I changed them to a kind of a amorphous blob shape it's pretty close to a circle but it's just a little bit off

And I'm liking both of those things really really well and then I changed the color of the icons except it didn't change the color of the icons but it did change the color of my keyboard and I like it so much better it's this kind of steel gray color and it's just so much easier on the eyes than the bright blue not that I don't like bright blue but I don't know it's like I got a whole new phone

And it occurred to me that I really should change some of the icons on the front because there are few on there that are things I never use and then things that I do use are like in a different place but I'm used to where they are now so I may not change that

These are not really very exciting things

And I'm sorry I missed that zoom meaning I didn't really snap I don't know whether it was that I didn't see it in time or I just didn't understand what I was looking at I don't know but I didn'treally realize that it was going on until after it was already like an hour in and I didn't know how long it was going on but I just I just didn't didn't check it

I don't know I feel sort of out of sorts

I hope you're doing okay

This is one of only a very few years of my adult life that I have not worked retail and I mean I guess I'm helping my mom with the Etsy shop so I guess there's a way you could say I was working retail but I would not I would not count that because what I mean is workin retail

And every year when it was getting closer and closer to this time of year
I would be like I cannot believe that you were spending another year working retail
And funnily enough before I got let go even though it was early I was already like well you know it's getting pretty close
Even though it wasn't really all that close I had like the specter of working and retail again this Christmas and that turned out not to be true so I'm just kind of grateful
I know there are a lot of ways in which this hasn't been a good year a lot of ways
And all the death and trauma and isolation and fear of tyranny and all of that stuff has just been one giant roller coaster ride

But I would say that this year has been a real psychological growth year for me probably not just me but I can't really speak to you everyone else's experience
But I think we've all had to take stock of a lot of things that we weren't taking stock of and that's different for different people but just the total disruption of everything and the sense of normalcy I feel like has made us have to look at things in a different way

And that's good even if a lot of other stuff isn't

I love you sweetheart