Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Okay so I'm about to go to bed

I can kind of almost see the tiny house I'm not sure what you would call it and I'll really a compound not really a city 
I think maybe village works
But I'm not seeing it like I'm in it I'm seeing it arially is that weird
and they're not laid out in any kind of grid it doesn't seem like at all
Just as kind of random scattering of tiny houses

One thing that I think is really beneficial and some sort of consciousness around eating but I don't think it matters exactly the details you know I would not want to tell people they need to be vegan or they need to keep kosher or they need to do any specific set of things because it isn't the specifics that are important it's the consciousness around it
However I will say that the more specific the consciousness is around it and the more restrictive in a way the more beneficial it is
Like if you're just saying oh I'm vegan
Well if you're really and truly vegan
That is a lot of consciousness around something
Because you have to know for every single thing that you eat exactly what's in it but
I feel like a lot of people who are vegan aren't really that conscious about it like I've known a lot of people who said they were vegan who seem to eat bread that they bought at the grocery store but I guarantee you that the bread they buy at the grocery store is not vegan
And a lot of people who are vegan and I'm just using vegans as an example I'm not trying to hate on vegans
A lot of them they have an initial impetus of consciousness around their eating they say I'm not going to kill animals I'm not going to eat anything with animal products and really it should also include clothes that they wear and all of that stuff and for some people it really does but when you combine that with the fact that a lot of people don't really cook and so what they do is they say you know I'm going to be vegan and then they buy you know the frozen vegan food at the grocery store and etc
And so it has a consciousness around it for sure but not the kind of consciousness necessarily that I'm talking about
Calorie counting is another example but if you really literally count the calories and write down the number and keep track of it and you actually do that it's very very conscious because you're paying attention to everything that you eat
Which of course not everybody who calorie counts really does either
So I think
It's problematical
And although obviously you're not going to get everybody to do everything You know it's good to set things up for success
So if we're not trying to set down a specific set of rules we're just trying to instill the act of being conscious of what you're eating because food is so much more powerful when you have a conscious awareness of it
But only if you want to you know
And I'm tempted to say well it should be kind of a choose your own adventure type thing
And I'm tempted to make everything I choose your own adventure type thing because what's important is the process
But I don't think it's good to say you have to do something but I'm not going to tell you what to do
So I have to give that some thought
But I definitely think conscious awareness around food is an important aspect that I would want to include

I think although I've never really I guess I've known people who did lent but it was never clear to me that they really got that much out of it
but I think the idea of making choices about things that you're going to refrain from doing because that's what you want to do
I think that's important

and I think having concomitantly things that you take on for a period of time because you want to do them so that not all practices continually the same
I think that making choices about something that you want to focus on either positively or negatively as in either doing it or not doing it for the sake of your development but also from the standpoint of non addiction

I like the idea of my kind of modified in my mind version of Passover which as less to do with the actual events that it's celebrating or remembering or commemorating or however you want to phrase it
My kind of altered conception of it is more about kind of a personal liberation from a form of narrowness so in some way that you were enslaved by something in a very metaphorical way you're throwing that off and focusing on it as a thing that you're going to commit to no longer being enslaved to
And then I really like the counting
I really think some form of counting keeping track of the days like counting the omer but I don't really like the Kabbalah stuff I mean I have a problem with the Kabbalah I like the Kabbalah in the abstract and when I read about it I think oh yeah I understand this completely but then as soon as I finish reading it I can't explain it to you you know it it's just kind of a it makes perfect sense when I'm reading it and then it just goes and focusing on really abstract traits you know where you spend a week focusing on one thing and then the different elements in that to be honest with you I can't really say that I've ever gotten anything out of that and I would not want something like that but I do like the counting

So I think
Two holidays that had a period of counting between them and maybe the holidays would be related somehow
And maybe
So maybe there's one holiday that's about celebrating the removal of an obstacle somehow and then accounting period between where there are a variety of things happening like maybe you kind of get the lint vibe and the Ramadan vibe if you have this period where you were altering your diet for just this period of time to something very specific I don't know because with Ramadan the idea is you're not at least as I understand it is that you're not eating from kind of sun up to sundown as a way to feel the suffering of people who don't have enough to eat as a way to empathize with that and you have these kind of special meals before sunrise and after sunset that are you know fairly large and as I would understand it celebratory so I mean during this whole time you're having a constant awareness of kind of what you're able to have compared with people who are less fortunate than you and I think that's awesome and I think that the the control and the willpower of the not eating during from sunrise to sunset is great but I don't want to do that
I think it's too extreme I think it's you know directly copying
And I don't think that it's really the point that I want to be making

I also think you need something that's like a spring festival kind of thing I think I need that there a variety of spring I think Holi might be the coolest of them but I haven't been able to find out very much about holiday celebrations cross culturally for spring I mean you've got Holi Passover is technically kind of a spring holiday with all the lamb stuff but I think Purim is the the one where you get all the kind of laughing and irreverence and that's the kind of thing I'm talking about I guess you've also got Easter although the resurrection part is n't very irreverent the bunny is in the eggs and stuff is more about fertility so I mean there's a lot of action going on and I'm not necessarily wanting to tie anything to specifically pagan earth cycles or anything because I feel like we're all pretty out of touch with that generally

And then I guess Halloween is when we do our costumes
but I really like Halloween more as Day of the Dead than I do as whatever it is we're supposed to be doing

So you need a joyful irreverent holiday where people dress up as something other than what they are and kind of celebrate joy and mystery and whatever where they get drunk and act crazy let off steam and Mardi gras although that's tied in with Lent but you know what I'm saying

And I like the idea of the Day of the Dead but I think rather than having it be something where you're remembering your specific family dead I think it would be a lot more beneficial to pick an ancestor not somebody that you're related to that's in your family but someone who you feel a strong personal connection to who is not currently alive right
And rather than one day I think it should be longer period of time where you're interacting with that person in some way You know you're learning about them and building some kind of a altar or writing a journal where you're interacting with them like having a conversation or some form of integration with that person that brings them to life for you

and I got to say although I do not have an altar currently I really kind of like the altar building process although I don't know how that really fits in with tiny homes

So I mean I guess that I'm favoring these longer type things
and I guess you could say well okay so what you do is you have your self-liberation holiday and then you pick your person for your personal ancestor and you do that for the however many days that you're counting You could do that but I don't know that I really want to combine those I really don't think that that's the same thing at all and then what is your second connected holiday

And then you have to have a new year festival
I just I feel like there's some importance to trying to determine what are the The common things between religions because if they're common between all religions there's probably some reason why it feels emotionally necessary

But then I want to find ways
To work kind of personal growth
as a thing that's built into the holiday not a thing you have to you know kind of look for or figure out how to do on your own
And I don't necessarily want things where you think about sad things or how you've done people wrong or whatever I know that that's probably appropriate but I would rather that not be a big festival I would rather that just be you know an ongoing thing so that if at any point you decide you've wronged someone you would just go and deal with it then like you know the idea that you're going to have interactions with other people that go badly in one way or another that's not something to make a big holiday about where you have to go oh you know I've done bad I'm so sorry you know that's not what I want to focus on
It's just a regular kind of part of life and I don't know that it needs to be you know all glorified I'm not really looking to focus on you know sin or whatever

Is this just crazy
I'm almost out of battery again and I really need to go to bed
I love you very much sweetheart