Thursday, December 31, 2020

Well I slept in
I guess you got up and did things
I had some strange dreams
But I don't remember most of it I remember
I was in the house on sunburst Street
And I had a roommate
So I knew in the dream
And we had ordered pizza and the delivery guy came but then he called back later and said he had figured our order wrong or something and we owed him more money and so he came back
And I hadn't dealt with him when he came the first time my roommate had dealt with him
So when I open the door I didn't do it really quickly because I think I was having a conversation or something I'm not sure but when I opened it completely and looked out he had his leg in a cast it was surprised
And so I was like oh I remember what the conversation was about I was all kind of turned around and I was asking my roommate where the money was cuz there was some money that Left on that cabinet next to the door and I couldn't find it that's why I didn't open the door right away
So I asked him how much do we owe you and he said $30 but $30 was what we had paid when he delivered the pizza to start with and I'm like you can't be another $30 and then he was like just joking but I didn't think he had been joking

But while I was looking out the door I realized that there were boxes and boxes piled up outside because I had gone through something and I had stuff that belonged to I'm not clear exactly who it belonged to I think it was a niece or something and we were going to take it to her but then we hadn't and we hadn't been back outside because of the quarantine and I had forgotten all about it and it was just boxes of stuff sitting outside that had been rained on and I was like wow I probably ruined all her stuff
and then I looked in the mailbox because that house had a mailbox that was right on the house wall next to the door which is really cool not having to walk through the complex to get to the mail
Anyway there was some mail in there for me and I opened it up and it was a card deck like just playing cards from
An organization that was called something like krah lev
but they were really strange cards they had the backs were not all the same some of them were just solid gold that look like gold leaf I mean it was solid but it was that kind of gold shiny but slightly brushed maybe not gold leaf it all reminded me of Japanese art some of them were just gold and some of them had pictures on them and some of them seemed like they were supposed to be steps between you know like not solid just plain gold and not a picture but like bits and pieces of the picture half a gold diagonally slice down the card I mean it was it was odd because usually one of the things about cards is that they have a uniform backing
And I was saying something about this organization but I don't remember what it was