Thursday, December 3, 2020

 so today i got all ready to go to the studio

and it was raining

and she called me and told me to just work from home

i spent the whole day watching youtube videos

and editing the etsy shop

longer in fact than i would normally have worked in the studio

i hope everything is good with you

i liked that painting a lot

i liked that one song a lot

i hadn't heard it somehow


it just struck me as very romantic, somehow

i'm not really trying to send any message


ya know

i like stuff sometimes

my head is full of niche-ing down

and algorithms

looks like i'm working friday but not saturday

i feel like the etsy isn't too hard to just post and whatnot

but i don't think the reports are too good

there were two sales today (really yesterday now)

but it says none this week

there have been 16 sales since she opened the shop

mostly when she first opened it about 10 years ago

she's had it closed for years

but it was registering 14 sales

there were two yesterday

now it says 15



total all time sales dollars


$84 yesterday


i don't think the reports are very accurate

i really wanted to start out making videos

because she wanted to drive sales

and i was trying to figure out how to build the base

and i thought videos


she wanted stuff to sell for christmas


we've been focusing on that

and it turns out she has a bunch of friends and people in her network

and people she's been in workshops with

so we're starting there

and it might not be enough to get christmas where she wants it

but we didn't really start soon enough

and we have been kinda working up to it in a way


it's moving the right direction, i think

i really hope i didn't upset the apple cart somehow

i love you very much sweetheart