Thursday, December 10, 2020

I have some things on my list to do's today that I don't really want to do so I'm going to be limiting my social media
So I'm going to be kind of out-of-pocket
so I thought I'd just front-load things by telling you some stuff it's been interesting that's happened to me in the last few days

The other day my mother said to me how can you make such pretty things out of that pile of junk
And I'm like isn't that your collagen supplies
Like isn't that what you use when you make collages
And she's like yes
And I'm like then I don't understand the question

But I kind of do because when she does collages she usually you know takes a couple of squares of stuff put them together and puts a butterfly over the top of them or puts a stamp over the top of them or something like that
She not really trying to create a new picture you know she's just trying to create a little thing that somebody can buy cheaply that doesn't have a lot of work in it and I don't know how much time she puts in them
But the thing is I love collage it is absolutely one of my favorite things to do

I take like one break to eat a bar at around 1:00 and I only take the amount of time it takes to eat the bar which is not very long and I'm not even stopping to drink water very often

no I can't do it the whole time because there's other stuff that needs to get done but I really really love it
But I let myself get away from her model of you know just a few pieces and some stamps or something
And I think there's like fully six pieces from the last session that I'm just not going to be able to let her have
Cuz you know I've been making them for her
But last time I just got all carried away because

You know I had those pieces that I couldn't finish well the reason why I couldn't finish them is they needed something that none of the pieces I had pulled out contained so yesterday I started off by looking through a couple of plastic folders You know the ones that are kind of the shape of an interoffice memo that have the two circles one on the flap and one on the envelope and then they've got a little string that you wrap around them they usually made out of kind of a browner than manila folder kind of action
Well it looked through a couple of those and I ran across something and I was looking at it and I'm like man this is really good what is this because they were just cut into little squares that were like maybe three by four roughly and then I realized that what they are are like those kind of waxy paper palettes
So like you know the stuff that you put your paint out on and then you you know smear it around when you mix colors and stuff and I mean it seems to be acrylic it's not watercolor that's going to wash off or anything
But I'm like this actually is junk that she cut up because most of it is like you know either stuff that she specifically painted to be texture for collagen or paintings that weren't working for one reason or another that she cut up

But here is a whole pile of actual trash that is like surprising and yet it's like the mother load of goodness
So then I was all reinspired and reinvigorated and I did not do the collages the way I should be doing them where I'm just putting a few pieces together I started actually you know doing more my actual collaging right and it was funny because then yesterday she's watching me work and she's like I'm going to have to start charging them by weight
Which I guess I should have taken as a criticism that I was spending too much time on them

which I didn't because I was so enthralled with doing then that I wasn't listening for criticism

And when we had the discussion about it she was like I was I was doing the collages for her and she was like now do you want to sign these do you want us to specify that they're your collages and I was like no that isn't necessary I'm doing them for you and I'm making them out of your old paintings and stuff so I think it becomes problematical if we say they're my collages but they're made with you or paintings so then they're at least partially your collages and you know who needs all that confusing bother so just sign them we'll say they're your collages

So there's like 16 boxes of three that are posted on the Etsy page plus some that I thought were good enough she wanted to frame some just in a cheap frame and sell them so there's some of those
These are only like five of those so far
And she's like okay well we're going to need some for in the studio
And we got enough box card sets so just start making some individual ones to sell to people that come in and I'm like okay so that's what I've been working on the last little bit here

But when I found those pallet things just kind of freed me
Until then a lot of the things I was doing they looked more like my work
I don't really contain any of her paintings
So I think what I'm going to have to do is make some kind of formula
so I spend it certain amount of time making simpler cards that are more like what she actually wants or else I'm going to end up just making art and it's all going to be my art and I'm not going to want to let her sell it with her name

Also she's decided that she does not want a brand she just wants it to be her name so I guess I can stop spending time working on that and trying to bounce it off for and find something that she likes and she thinks this her
Which I get and I understand and I respect
But it's going to make any kind of cross-pollinization with like YouTube and stuff it's going to make it a little more difficult because her name is so common and I have this same issue thatit's really hard to find her with searches and stuff
In fact when I try to look up just her name her shop which has her name doesn't come up at all I mean that may change as we have more page views and whatever but that doesn't come up at all what I get is a painting of hers well not really a painting a little calligraphy thing from back in the '90s that some guy is selling like a vintage home decor shop or something on Etsy

And I think it's pretty funny because she's pretty much uniformly said no to all the things that I was trying to do to change in ways that might I thought help

So we'll see
She seems pretty happy with the arrangement though and I am having so much fun

See if you can guess which six pieces if you want

Anyway I'm going to get back to actually I was about to take my shower and I'm taken wow a long time to write this okay
I love you
Have a really good day I'll talk to you later