Sunday, June 5, 2022

Okay so where I left off
She had that woman come and tell me that my mother said to tell me she was overwhelmed and it was okay to get a storage because it was too upsetting that I was making her get rid of all her precious stuff

And then when my mom came back in later she was all like oh it makes me feel so useless that y'all are doing all this work and I'm just sitting here
And then she told that woman that I was a slave driver
And I was like hey I can leave right now
And I don't know what all else happened I don't remember it super clearly at this point that might have been it but there was this general My mom was working this woman around to be praising her and you know giving her you know my mom was working it around where she was like the victim and etc and she couldn't really deal with this both because we were in differing realities and so it was difficult for my mother to negotiate that and it was making me nauseated

So I was like you know what My headache is worse I'm just going to go and y'all can do what you're doing and whatever
And so when I'm leaving my mother she's shambling over to me like a zombie you know with the shuffling and whatnot and I'm like what is she doing and she just kept getting closer and closer and I'm like she's creeping me out what the f*** is going on

Well you know she had somebody else over who thinks she's you know a sweet and loving person so she was coming to hug me
She was going to f****** hug me
Because it was a show for this person but we don't hug I can't remember the last time that my mother hugged me it was awkward and creepy AF

But I was really mad
Until I talk to her on the phone and I was like look what was that having Marion come in and say that stuff about oh it was okay to get a storage because it was too traumatic for me to be making you get rid of all your precious stuff

I'm the one who said from the beginning we should just take the stuff and put it in storage and then go through it a few boxes at a time where it's manageable and not overwhelming so what was that about I don't understand that and what was that having Marion come and say something to me

And she's like I did Marion say something to you

And I'm like yes

And she's like oh well Marion's very protective of me

And I'm like okay so what you're saying to me is that you did not tell her to come say that to me she on her own thought that up and came and said to me

She's like I didn't say anything to her

And I'm like she said you said to come and say to me and she seemed like she wasn't really sure why she was saying it or what it was about

But you were maintaining that she just came up with that on her own

Well of course she didn't answer that
And I'm like and then you're telling her I'm a slave driver how am I a slave driver
I mean if I was a slave driver that bookcase would be empty I've been trying to get that bookcase emptied for like 2 weeks

And she's like oh no Marion knows that you're a good daughter and then she starts telling me some story about Mary and having to go get her daughter out of a bad situation with some abusive guy and some other state or something

And I'm like I don't care whether Marian knows I'm a good daughter or not I don't care what Marion thinks of me at all

And she's like I'm sorry I hurt your feelings

I'm like you didn't hurt my feelings you made me really really angry and you made me feel disrespected but you didn't hurt my feelings

She's like you're too sensitive

I don't like no I'm not too sensitive
I don't care when you're here alone with Marion and you want to use me as the bad guy so that you can have her do her little sympathy pity party for you and get all the emotions that you want that's fine I don't care because like I said I don't care what she thinks of me
But you are not going to make me the bad guy when I'm working my ass off doing this stuff that I don't want to do that's really hard for me You are not going to make me the bad guy in front of my face when I'm trying to make your dreams come true

So whatever she didn't really get it and I took a day off
But then it came up again
I don't remember why
And she's like you're too sensitive
And I'm like no I'm not too sensitive and you know who says you're too sensitive to people is bad people That's who says that
I left out narcissists
She is a narcissist
She's like are you saying I'm a bad person
And I'm like I'm not saying you're a bad person but I'm saying that if you're saying I'm too sensitive that's what bad people say so...