Wednesday, June 29, 2022

I've had a very strange day
I got up and I made coffee
A drank coffee and eight brand muffins
I played around on my phone
I tried to convince myself to carry more stuff downstairs what clothes from the closet but I just couldn't make myself do that
Then I was trying to make myself go tell them that I think that the closet is still leaking and they need to come check it again

When two maintenance guy showed up and said you've got a sheet rock job
And I'm like no it's not dry yet and in fact I'm not even sure that it's not still leaking and they're like you told them

So I give them kind of a brief history of what it happens so far and they're like okay well we come back later maybe Friday

But based on last year it's going to take two weeks for that sheetrock to dry enough that they feel like they might be able to come and fix it
And that's after the leak has stopped which I'm not entirely certain that it has
It has slowed down
So maybe there's just a huge amount of water anyway I don't know That's not the strange part

I had some stuff coming in the mail today
Actually no none of it was coming in the mail it was coming UPS
And I was pretty excited
And it got delivered like I don't know maybe 10:30 11:00

So it was supposed to be eight bottles of sauerkraut brine with beet and jalapeno juice stuff
Which came and seemed to be fine but it was you know warmish so I just now drank it hours later and it's delicious it's so good it's like everything I could ever hope for so I'm very excited about that I mean it could be a little cheaper it could be a little bigger bottles but other than that it's everything you could hope for

And the second one was a pair of jeans cuz I've started wearing jeans again
They're great they fit great they were on sale no problem very pleased

Then the third box I picked it up and it's all like rattly like maybe it's broken only it's supposed to be a purse
I bought this purse months ago on eBay that I really like the general size and shape of but I got it you know pretty cheap and it's an older purse and it's you know maybe not that well made or whatever but it's even though I've only been using it for a couple months it's really starting to look a little bit ratty and so I was like so I found a purse that's a little bit nicer purse and a little bit more expensive too but it was on sale and I was like well you know if this is my new favorite shape purse
I'm having kind of a rough life I'm going to treat myself I don't want it to be a you know oh I wish I had bought it it's the one that got away I can never find anything is perfect is this again so I just ordered it you know

But this box that's sitting on my stoop is not nearly big enough to be that purse it's the wrong size and why is it rattly
And in the tracking it was in Illinois for quite a while and it kept saying redirecting address and I'm like I don't understand why are you redirecting address it's coming from the east coast Illinois makes sense just come straight down You know what what is to redirect address that would make sense if it had gone to from the east coast to the west coast and they were like oh no no no it came too far we need to send it back but Illinois makes perfect sense

Just like okay well that's weird I don't know what that means and now here's a box that's the wrong size and shape and makes noise in a way that a purse would not make
So I open it up and it is a box of boxes of wood screws like you know pretty good size wood screws like about 3 in long by like 3/8 of an inch wide just eyeballing it it probably said on the box but I don't I don't think I paid any attention

And the label that's on it is kind of beat up and has been physically taped onto the box so like it got torn off and they were trying to guess which box it went to and they just taped it on there and sent it through
And I'm like well if they sent the purse to the person who wanted the wood screws they're not going to be very happy and I don't know what the f*** I'm going to do with a bunch of wood screws

But I thought it was kind of funny like what is the universe trying to tell me with this screw you

That seems a little too obvious

So I figured it was probably the label from the purse because the purse was supposed to be coming with the rest of that stuff so I looked it up and sure enough that's the tracking number blah blah blah so I'm like well I could email them and I don't know whether it's better to just say hey it didn't come or to start explaining about the box with the wood screws because that just sounds a lot more unbelievable somehow and I don't want them to make me mail back the wood screws cuz I don't want to pay for postage for the wood screws which are a lot heavier than the purse

So I was like you know maybe the person will still come

No that doesn't make any logical sense right I mean if the label for the purse is on this box then how does it make any sense that the purse is still going to come
But I had kind of entered into a fog
My head kind of hurts and my back kind of hurts and I don't really feel very good and I've been picking my face for I think hours

And I went and told them about the air conditioning thing so I've been waiting and waiting for them to come and check the air conditioning but no one has come now they might have gone on the roof
But still you think someone would have come in so I'm just sitting here
Trying to decide if I'm hungry
Or if I'm nauseated

And if my headache has passed over into migraine territory
I'm trying to remember all the things I've been thinking for like the last I don't know 6 hours

I'm still trying to figure out what the message from the universe about the wood screws is

And then there's a knock on the door

So I go to the door and there's a package and the package is the right size and shape and from the right place to be the purse
And I open it up and it is in fact the purse
Which is great and it's very pretty
But you know I was just being lazy saying oh probably it'll still show up
I mean if they had said it was delivered but it wasn't delivered then you know with some degree of regularity with the post office not with you UPS but with some degree of regularity with the post office you know they'll be running late in the day and they'll just say oh yeah we delivered it and they didn't and they usually deliver at the next day but you know I assume they have to be done by a certain time and they have to have accounted for all their stuff and so they just lie on the paperwork
No I don't actually know that I'm just theorizing but it makes sense and it seems to fit the data
So in that scenario that would have made sense

But this is UPS not the post office and also there was a box delivered with a label on it with the tracking for the purse so I don't really understand you know an item was delivered it just wasn't the right item but it was labeled as the right item so then where does this second purse come from

so I mean I think that the universe is trying to get me to laugh maybe
Which you know I'm not laughing out loud but you know it's amusing and I'm still trying to figure out the wood screws but it just doesn't make any sense I mean it's not like that would be the first thing that ever happened to me that didn't make any sense but it doesn't make any sense