Tuesday, June 28, 2022

I dreamed I was in college I'm not really sure why because I'm pretty sure even in the dream I had already completed college but there were two classes that I needed for some reason so I don't know maybe they were some kind of continuing education or something I don't know

But then in the middle I was going to sign up for this class that was I don't know I think she was a poet and she was fairly young I don't know whether she was college professor or not maybe it was being taught I don't know exactly how it was configured

But I was kind of excited about learning from her but then I showed up the first day and it wasn't like a big textbook but there were several smaller books and it turned out two of the books I had were wrong

And she was talking about the way we were going to be doing the class and it was we were be going to be writing things and discussing them and working on things in class and so it's going to be a whole lot of intense interaction and sharing

And I really hate that kind of class what I like is to go and listen to the person who knows the stuff talking about the stuff I don't want to do it with other people That's like a nightmare
So I was really considering whether I could get my status changed to auditor somehow and then I wouldn't have to do the class participation because if I had to do the class participation then I was going to drop the class and it wasn't sounding like she was going to be just talking about her stuff the whole time anyway so I didn't even think I wanted the class

And I was very disappointed

But then I went someplace else maybe it was the third class
There was all this stuff I can't remember the details I'm trying but you know it's hard to remember that kind of stuff from dreams there were visual effects and there was
Disembodied voices
And it was something to do with the people in charge talking about your birthday
And apparently it was going to be some kind of multi-day extravaganza