Sunday, June 26, 2022

Running out of battery
But help me figure out how to make this funny

There was an open studio today
Which I didn't know about until a couple of days ago
So she needed me to go with her
And we had taken some stuff by there
So I had to clean that up
And she had a painting that she wanted me to hang so I had to figure out what I could move and hang that and try to fill in the space
And it was not quite done with that at noon when it opened but mostly so it was fine
But her friend Marion came over

And I don't know what Marion said to her
But what my mother said was you know I'm trying to do more and or I'm trying as hard as I can or something like that
But she
Meaning me
Doesn't seem to be able to tell a difference
Now it's not true that she's been trying harder it's not at all true that she's been trying harder she's slowing down and making it more difficult for me

But be that as it may
When she said that I'm like
Well it's a shame I'm so insensitive

Because what the f*** else am I going to say
I've told her not to do it
But she's so caught up in this needing to get sympathy from Marion that she's not even like thinking about the fact that she is right in front of me saying that I'm an a****** basically

And I don't care
I don't care what she thinks
I don't care what Marion thinks
People can have whatever thoughts in their head they'd like
But I told her it was a m************ boundary that she was not going to make me the bad guy in front of my face

Now maybe she didn't know Marion was coming
But she can't restrain herself at all

So what she said
I mean if I said that and I got a response like it's a shame I'm so insensitive
I would be like you know I'm sorry I didn't mean to say you were insensitive
Or if I did think you were insensitive maybe I wouldn't say anything
Or maybe I would say something like oh yeah you could take it that way that isn't how I meant it or I don't know something

But what she said to Marion is oh yeah and she's easily offended too

Which of course is the narcissistic personality type You're not entitled to the way you feel about anything nor are you entitled to any boundaries and I was just continuing to work I mean I wasn't even stopping what I was doing or whatever I just was saying it's a shame I'm so insensitive in a more or less neutral tone of voice not even like a real passive aggressive kind of you know whatever right

So then she says oh yeah and she's easily offended too
And Marian's like yeah I am too

So I mean maybe backfired on her a little bit and made her look s*****

But it raised my blood pressure enough that I was just sitting across the room from her pretty much thinking c*** c*** c*** c*** c*** c*** c*** all day

Well for 4 hours
And she's like you want to go to dinner and I'm like no I have a headache I just want to go home
But I'm thinking I cannot spend one more second with you not one more

And I think she really does not understand that she is damaging what is not a very good relationship to begin with
And that she can't do this s*** by herself and all those she is moved in to her new apartment there is still a lot of stuff in the house and she has all these f****** rules about how it has to be done and this and such

And she has basically gone through roughly 10 boxes of paperwork shredding things in the last 6 weeks well I have packed over a hundred boxes and moved them around and you know I mean she has made some trips to Goodwill but I've loaded the stuff into the car and I don't know I'm not trying to complain I am complaining I'm not trying to complain

But I just do not seem to be able to fathom how she is just not able to see that
I don't even want to describe it anymore

So what's the funny part in that