Sunday, June 12, 2022

I have not felt very good today and I've kind of just been zoned out most of the day
But I dreamed last night that I was taking some sort of standardized testing
It was weird though I went in ahead of my group I was supposed to go with the next group but I went in and I was reading through the test
But I wasn't answering it
And then I decided that that was probably not the right thing to do because once the test was over they would probably make me leave and wouldn't let me come back in with the next group

So then I started going back and answering all the questions
It was multiple choice and it was kind of like the SAT I guess
Except that it was all questions that I found very easy
Like they were a bunch of those analogy things that they've taken out that were my favorite part of the SAT
But then there was a whole bunch of other stuff that was I don't know kind of life questions it wasn't math or any particular kind of subject it was just stuff I can't remember any examples

I just remember that it was all stuff that I found very easy to answer

Have you trashed it My mom's house is Wednesday so I was like okay well Tuesday we should go by there and take out all the stuff we can that needs to go to heavy trash
And she's like well Shirley's bed and box springs need to go out
I'm like I don't think I can move a bed and box springs from a bedroom all the way out to the curb by myself
I mean maybe I can but
Physically I'm a lot worse for wear already

I don't know whether I told you but I fell in the street on moving day which was I guess Tuesday I hadn't gotten any sleep really cuz I'm having you know I don't know I think it's menopause related but you know I've got this thing where I fall asleep and then I wake up in like 2 and 1/2 hours and can't go back to sleep
Or I just can't go to sleep at all
Not every night but just you know kind of randomly thrown in for kicks

So I hadn't gotten very much sleep and I did not really feel safe to drive so I ubered over there and then when we were driving to the new place well she was driving I was riding she was parked across the street because she had to move out of the driveway so that the movers could get in there and when I was walking across the street she had parked in such a way that there was a lot of water and I was trying to look to see where I could walk how I could get to the side of the car without going through a big puddle and the street was uneven and I'm in clogs which you know probably isn't the best idea
And I just went down

And I've said a lot of times that growing up clumsy I just learned how to fall well
And I guess that was the case I didn't even abrate myself or is it abrade
At any rate everything was sore but nothing was cut or scraped I just you know landed but it didn't help my back feel any better

But anyway
I don't think it's a good idea for me to try to go moving things that are sort of heavy and very big and awkward then I'm going to have to drag you know I mean if it was me and another person we could each take an end and it would not be no big deal but she can't do anything
And I'm not sure whether she can't do anything because she really isn't physically strong enough to do anything or if she just can't do anything because she can't do anything

She's old and she certainly looks feeble

Anyway I'm not working tomorrow
Hopefully I'll be able to more talkative
I don't know though
I might need conversation prompts

Oh also I felt like I might have been a little harsh with my talking about her shuffling over to me which she did I'm sure to make herself look more decrepit for Marion
And the other day I don't know why but I just walked over to her and was going to hug her I'm not sure why I'm really not
But she looked kind of scared and she didn't exactly back away but I was afraid she was maybe going to back away and she didn't know what to do and she ended up kissing my neck which was also kind of weird

So I feel totally vindicated in my saying that that was all just an act for Marion
Because I was approaching with my arms out like you would be when you hug someone
So it wasn't like a surprise unless just the idea that there was a hug was a surprise and since there had just been one it shouldn't have been confusing if that was a thing you know

Anyway whatever

I love you very much sweetheart 💋