Friday, July 16, 2021

I woke up before to pee
But I didn't record my dreams
So now I woke up and I'm super sweaty and not quite night sweat level sweaty but I mean it's something like that
And my brain said it wasn't free to move on to other dreams until I recorded the other one

So there was this girl that I guess was me in the dream but it didn't really seem like me but I had more of her point of view than the other characters
And they were having like a full-on revolution
And I don't really understand exactly what they were doing
But she had this giant stack of paper
And they would go they were just all walking along and when they would come to a bank or a corporate institution they would just wad up a piece of paper and like shove it into the night drop or something that got it into the building and it caught on fire
I don't really understand how it caught on fire but so they were basically just marching along burning the institutions that they thought were detrimental to the country
And at some point I don't know whether the guy who is leading got detained or whether she just got separated from them or what happened
But she just took off on her own
And she kind of went to ground

And then I went to the future like maybe four or five years in the future
And she was living on this little farm out in the middle of nowhere
Only it wasn't really in the middle of nowhere
It was sort of strategically located
In the middle of nowhere but only a few hours from a whole bunch of different targets on the East Coast
And she was continuing the revolution
But instead of just following and just burning any corporate target
She had developed some sort of strategy
And she was actively making the world better actually
I don't really know how
She was just a lot smarter than that mob of people she had been with
And it ended with her playing with a bunch of little baby chickens out in the fresh air
And smelling just this little curling wift of smoke from whatever strike she had made the previous day
And some kind of like counter turning over with information about how things had improved for this group and that group and the other group
Like it was a movie or documentary or something