Sunday, July 11, 2021

I took a Tylenol and went back to sleep for an hour and I still do not feel well
But I had this whole dream
It was like
I work to the shop
Where had to wear an apron
And the phone was ringing
And I would go to try to answer the phone
And it was still ringing
And that was my alarm
Then finally I went to the office
And told the guy there
Who I didn't realize it in the dream
Look like the young district manager that I had a problem with at the previous job
But in this one he was more like the zoomer kid that I didn't have a problem with in personality
And they had been maybe going to let me go
But the zoomers weren't going to let me go
And he gave me this blue Kool-Aid that had like
And I had this candy and I'm trying to remember
Warheads was it called warheads
It was really sour but also sweet
But I don't think that was in the shape of snakes and this was like in the shape of snakes
And I got this apron
And it was like a little pinafore
And it had British stuff on it it was really cute
And you were there but you were like a kid too
Well when I say kid I mean like late teens early twenties
Not like a crawling baby
But when I walked past you I kind of leaned into you a little bit
My intention was to kind of bump into you
But you could have moved out of the way at the last minute and thwarted my flirting