Sunday, July 11, 2021

Okay a couple of things are going on
You know I said I felt sick yesterday and I didn't know what was up with that
Well I'm definitely having hormonal stuff
But also I'm low on iron
When I'm low on iron I get this pain in my hips like inside and the sockets
I don't know why
So I've got that pretty bad
Also super fatigued like standing up
Is a chore
And I've got a little dizziness but that could be the hormones or it could be the allergy medicine making me a little spacy
I don't like to take allergy medicine because it affects me
But sometimes the allergy gets so bad that I just have to
But then I've also got this pain in my shoulders
Which is similar to the pain I have in my hips and I don't know what that's about
And my sternum
So I don't know maybe that's some kind of anxiety thing or maybe it's related to one of the other things but it's just like I have this whole kind of heavy painful armored thing across my chest and shoulders
So whatever
Not a fan